Work Permit

Hello everybody .......

Two weeks ago I have signed a contract with a Tanzanian company to join them in Dar Al Salaam.

Director of HR informed me that they have submitted my paper to get the acceptance letter for my work permit.

my question is usually how long does it take to get this done?

Thank you

Depends on the submitted paperwork being okay.All the submitted forms etc have to be checked and verified.  Could take a month or more.

Thank you .........


I will be little open with you. Nowadays, Getting a work permit is difficult an further it depends on the company and how much they are committed to secure a permit.

Secondly, it depends on the documentation like succession plan and justification letter for expats or any prior approval from the ministry.

Presently, the process is speedy and you will able to hear from the much quicker than before. You able to visit their website (Ministry of Labour), where the upload the granted /rejected/deferred permit.

I hope it satisfies your queries.
