Quality furniture maker

hi, i am looking for someone to make me a good quality sofa, a specific design. has anyone had something custom made here? there is a lot of choice on Ngong Road but i don't know who to choose, i know some are much better than others.
any advise would be most welcome!

There are also quite a few furniture makers in Gigiri, near Village Market.  Expect to be quoted inflated prices, unless you have a Kenyan friend who can subsequently take your design to your chosen fundi.

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No advertising on the forum please, Paul.  There is a 'Classifieds' section for adverts at the top of this page.

I have also been doing some research on furniture makers in Nairobi and I have found fb pages like sofazetu/Imani furniture located in Ngara with some really nice photos. There seems to be a lot of furnitures around Ngara.  I dont know about the quality but they seem to be fairly priced. I would be interested to know where you end up getting yours made.