Dog walking Riyadh

Hello everyone,

I have to puppies and I really really want them to walk with me and see ppl and kids as they are one year old .

Anyone can help me where I can walk my dogs without any trouble??

Am living in a house not compound .

Parks, walk path around universities

Yah, but ppl don't like it and kids come around some ppl become annoyed!

Hello i walk my dog at ( altelal park ) its quite and not too many people there, so I suggest u to walk ur dog there .

From where I can adopt a nice dog?

Hi check for Riyadh shelter they have dogs for adoption

I checked their website, twitter, and Instagram and it seems they don't have much options for the adoption. I'm actually planning to get a dog soon.

Well if u want to buy German shepherd puppy I know some one who has new born a month old I think n cheaper than market price