Tea or Coffee?

Tea :)

coffee coffee :D

Depends , if i need to be awake i drink coffè , if not i drink normally ice tea peach!

coffee with milk actually

Colombian Coffee


Offcourse coffee..coffee and coffee
Luigi lavazza coffee or cappucino :D

Coffee...this is sure and english tea .:)

Coffee milk and tea milk... extra milk...:D

I like ginger green tea...I drink almost daily.

espresso and okkaido tea

Morning does not start, with out having a good espresso!! Best wake up call!!:lol:

I like tea the most

tea of course:)

Tea & Sea :D

Breakfast tea with cold milk.....no sugar ;)

depends on mood

it has to e tea early in the morning, then a coffee will do later in the day :)

i prefer water)))

Milk Tea is my favorite fo shizzle...

This might be an extreme but i drink around 10 per day 6 average...

never drank coffee and when i did, i never finished it...

Like both Tea and coffee

Cofeeeee I rarely drink tea

80% coffee and 20% tea. I usually just grab a cup of java and run but sometimes like last night I had two cups of lipton tea with splenda. I used to love the African tea at Starbucks but they got rid of it. I read about it in The #1 Ladies Detective Agency series about a lady detective in Botswana. What on earth did they call it? Hmmm...Well maybe I'll think of it later.

coffee coffee coffee

Tonight out of desperation I tried instant coffee. One word...nasty.

I sometimes drink coffee out of necessity, but I don't particularly enjoy it.

I do like tea, though.

My fiance wants me to add his opinion as well:  He's English, and therefore is a tea man. :)

depends on mood actually...i like both,,,but most of the times i prefer green tea.

for sure coffe



I have at least one of each every day.

Hello  All, 

I know it is kind of late to post my preference however love IRISH  COFFEE and    and  Colombian too,

I love tea because I'm the owner of a tea plantation in northern Thailand, we grow and produce teas by ourselves.

In the morning i prefer Coffee but with lunch and dinner i like ice Tea.

I like both. I like drinking coffee in the mornings and maybe early afternoon. Thereafter then tea suits best and especially at nights before going off to bed- a cup of tea warms me up. Coffee keeps me awake and gives me that kick in the butt that i need in the mornings.

i like very much tea... u?

The smell of coffee is really magic but I always feel nervous after drinking.I like green tea very much, drink it everyday!

I love Coffee smell and Im a bit   envious of coffee-drinkers for  the  morning   ritual of brewing and enjoying...but I can't stand the coffee taste, unless its Cappuchino, or Latte...but  these are not quite coffee , right? :rolleyes:

Yes )

I love both coffee and tea.  I blend Kenyan coffee with hazelnut coffee in the morning and Kenyan tea in the afternoons.

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