Enfamil/Semilac Advanced Ready to feed formula

Hi everybody,

Im living in riyadh for 2 years but now im expecting a baby and im out of saudi... i wanted to ask if anybody knows if in Riyadh they sell Enfamil or Similac Advance formula for infant babies.. i will delivery baby in Canada so im now deciding which brand go with bcs after 3months after baby will born we will go back to riyadh and i dont want switch to other formula so im trying find one which i can get here in Canada and in Riyadh as well... thanks all for your help or advices.. have a great day :-)


There was a similar post last year. The responses would answer your question about Enfamil.

Not sure about Similac. Can check with the Medical Store on next visit if you want.

Hope this helps.


Thanks a lot.. i read that post but i was just hoping that maybe someone has an update...

Thanks a lot one more for your effort but my husband is in riyadh so he will go today to Habib pharmacy and make a pic of what they have bcs usually they have a little diffrent or more brands then other local pharmacies from my experience...