Moving to Alexandria

Hi peeps. I am moving to Alexandria in June with my husband and 9 year old son. Can anyone recommend me a good international school for my child? He speaks only English at the moment. I am also looking for a pediatrician who can converse in English. Any social clubs that we can go for networking as we are moving as a family unit and looking forward to establish friendships with other families who have been residing in Alexandria?

Hi Sarah, I dont have any personal experience with schools but I heard about a school called Gems, I think its worth giving it a look.
I think most pediatricians will be good at English since English is the main language at medicine schools. Thats all I know at the mean time.
I wish you and your family a joyful stay in Alexandria, Let me know if you need any kind of help.

In social I can help you in apply for rotary club it is very social and you will gain a lot of friends.

american schuts and british schools are the best in alexandria.
sporting club is the best.

British School in Kafr Abdu. Sporting Club in Sporting district , I believe temporary 3 months membership cost £eg 3300 and 200 for spouse, 1000 for each child. or 60-85 £EG a day . Its very good for Expats