Researching Life in CI

Hi there,

Thank you for creating/maintaining this forum as it provides guidance and knowledge for individuals like me who maybe considering to accept a position in CI and wants to know the lowdown on to what expect.

Please accept my apology as I will not share my name at this time as my application is still in process, which may or may not go through, but you can call me Zena.  I would love some advice from other Canadian expats.  I am trying to assess what to ask for in terms of salary that would compensate the cost of living in CI, including housing, food, school, electricity etc.

After researching many website, I've learned it is recommended that an expat's child(ren) attend private school.  Is this true???...private school fees are somewhat this feasible.  I have two kids and the cost of schooling alone may deter me from accepting this position.

I have tons of related questions, but will read the comments in the forum before asking.

I appreciate any and all feedback.


Zena23 wrote:

I've learned it is recommended that an expat's child(ren) attend private school.  Is this true???...private school fees are somewhat this feasible.  I have two kids and the cost of schooling alone may deter me from accepting this position.

It is not just recommended, it is compulsory. One of the websites you really should check is Cayman New Resident. Google it.