Which Masters should I go for...?

Hi all,

I have applied for a Masters in order to help me to find a job within an education environment Morocco

I will be starting my Masters this year...but I am not sure which one to go for !

Either: MA Education Practice or MA International Education

Which one would be better for me to do in terms of job prospects in Morocco?

Thanks in advance x

Hi adzbudz,

May I ask if you speak arabic or french? Since it is a very specialized Master degree, you will have to bear in mind that your options to find a job in this area could be limited especially if you intend to look for a job right after finishing studies. Professional experience is very important and much considered in Morocco whatever is the degree that you hold.
In my opinion Education practice would be a better choice among the 2. because expertise in this area is required.

Good luck

Hi hla032

Thanks. I can speak a little Arabic but not much French. Also do you know if whether a Masters is enough for a university position in Morocco?

Thanks x

no, to be a university lecturer you should hold a recognized Phd. Even for an assistant lecturer position.

Thanks hla032 for ur contribution :)