Dependant Visa Tawthi9 and Expiry Abu Dhabi

Please I would like to know 2 things :
- Is there any way you can issue dependent visa without tawthi9?
- what is the duration of the dependent visa? is it dependent from the sponsor, so like If I have only one year left in my visa, the spouse will have the expiry accordingly or a specific period.


We went through the application process recently. You definitely need the thawthig certificate. My husband is my sponsor and my visa is valid for 2 years . The expiry date for my visa is not the same as my husbands. He came to the UAE before us and applied for his documents before us. So his visa expires sooner. but the difference is only a matter of a few weeks. I'm not sure what will happen in your case.

Good luck with the application for your dependents. I hope everything goes well.

Thank you, that was very helpful.
I still however have to find out a way to make the visa issued as my rent contract is not municipality approved.