Banks and tax, need advice

So, Last time we were there, one of the locals told us that there was a 12% grocery tax which pays for everyone's healthcare, and after you had lived there for a year, it included expats. Can you verify this?
Thanks again for you help. Also, which banks would you recommend?


The tax is a sales tax on food and beverages. I don't know what it covers specifically but I really doubt 100% goes to healthcare. I also have never heard that expats get the healthcare free. It is so inexpensive though that we never think to ask.

Hello everyone,

@ Anthemgems, Welcome on board. A new thread has been created from your post on the Honduras forum so that you may easily get some answers.

all the best

Ed, which bank do you use on the island?


It is 15 per cent

There is a tax at supermarkets, but not small stores. Banco Atlántida or Banco de Occidente.