Quito business

So I'm gonna travel south America next year, I'd love to own my own business in a country that's warm and not too westernised. Hot weather slower pace life etc. Is there any gaps in the market for a low cost business start up in Quito that people are aware of?
What's people's advice on resettling, in sure it will be way more of a challenge than moving to Vancouver

nucks84 wrote:

I'd love to own my own business...any gaps in the market for a low cost business start-up in Quito that people are aware of?

Gap #1:  Imported cheese business.  You can't even find American, Swiss or Muenster cheese in this burg.  Future location:  Off Parque La Carolina.

Gap #2:  Gringo-themed hair-styling salon with classed-up receptionist, framed celeb "fotos" and prices-and-services eclipsing what the $3 peluquerías are offering.  Location: La Carolina or Avenida Colón between Almagro and Amazonas.

Gap #3:  Sports Bar that gets all the U.S. major games. 
6-8 screens minimum, for NFL Sundays and NBA playoffs.
Location:  Gringolandia at or near Plaza Foch.

Gap #4:  English-speaking shipping company for priority envelopes and small packages.  Location:  Amazonas just south of Avenida Colón.

Gap #5:  Survey Gringos before the start-up and find out what products they miss most.  Stock your shelves with same.

Post with questions for more details, Nucks.

cccmedia, pro bono business consultant, Quito

In my opinion the biggest business opportunities are serving wealthier locals than expats. I'd try either importing or producing locally sporting equipment. Ccc's suggestions are pretty solid though.

nucks84 wrote:

What's people's advice on resettling?...sure it will be way more of a challenge than moving to Vancouver

Top 5 Consejos for Irishman "Nucks"

1. Make sure your plan will qualify you for a residency visa.

2. Get your visa paperwork well in order before leaving Vancouver.

3. If feasible, visit Ecuador first to see if it's right for you.

4. When it's time to move, bring extra filled suitcases...forget about containerized shipping and the massive headaches it can entail.

5. Start learning or upgrading your Spanish now!

cccmedia in Quito

Cheese! Yes yes yes Ecuador definitely needs somebody who can import and/or start up a cheese business. I hope our OP takes this suggestion to heart.

But cccmedia, in my previous experience, businesses which catered to expat wants and tastes usually had a short life span. Expats are just not a reliable source for a long term business venture. Governments change, economies change, expats come and go way too much to build a business around their patronage. Businesses don't survive without providing a product or service that the local population needs and wants.

Who doesn't want more cheese? Everybody wants more cheese. Cheese is a universal life necessity.

I wonder about importing anything today with all the added taxes and limitations.  If Ecuador and the EU can work things out (the last I heard Ecuador says it is not a free trade agreement, the EU seems to think it is.  Ecuador wants to impose taxes on imported EU products while the EU is opposed) then we may have access to good cheese from Europe at a reasonable price.

I feel like there is still demand for imported goods even at significantly inflated prices. The best options, though, are finding a way to produce locally something that is currently only available as an expensive import.

gardener1 wrote:

Cheese! Yes yes yes..Businesses don't survive without a product or service the local population needs or wants....

Who doesn't want more cheese? Everybody wants more cheese. Cheese is a universal life necessity.

Cogently argued, 'Cat. :top:

Then it's decided, Nucks.  Your new business will be:

                    Nucksy's Cheese Palace

cccmedia at the Expat Cheese Desk in Quito

gardener1 wrote:

Who doesn't want more cheese? Everybody wants more cheese. Cheese is a universal life necessity.


Thanks for all the advice. I think catering for locals ahead of exparts seems like a long term better plan. I don't even like cheese but nuckys cheese sounds good ha

We are relocating to Quito from US and selling part of our business in New York and would like to buy operational business in Quito
In New York we have business brokers that focus on certain types of businesses. Does anyone have leads in Quito?