Lawyer-HCM: Looking for competent lawyer to write a 'nasty' letter

Hi, Ho Chi Minh members.

I'm looking for a Vietnamese lawyer, who speaks at least broken English, to write a 'nasty' 'lawyers letter' to shake up my landlord.

And cheap (not too expensive).

If you know of or have used such a lawyer, I would appreciate name and contact information. The lawyer should be in Districts 1, 3, 4, 5, 6 or 11 - I use my feet or buses and taxis!

Thanking you in advance.

Beyond talking. Landlord hasn't done essential repairs so withheld payment.

He then re-issued invoice and stuck a 18% monthly interest surcharge on to the total. This is an illegal amount. Maximum interest penalty rates are set in the Civic Code of VietNam (hat-tip to JaitcH).

Just another crooked landlord exploiting Foreigners.

consider the costs against the cost from lawyer. 18% are quite "normal"

That is so true. One of my tenant in Canada sent me a $100 bill to get rid of 2 roaches. I should send him a couple Vietnamese flying roaches.

You do know that a lawyer's letter is worth nothing?

If you packed up and left and went to another district, your landlord could do basically nothing. Similarly, I think you can do nothing if you landlord refused to fix up the place.

Contracts are worthless and can't be enforced unless you know who can help you enforce it.


Sorry, I laughed for a while because of your idea. This is Vietnam-where people act, not communicate through letter writing.

How much is the renting? How much is monthly apartment fee?

writing a nasty letter will do nothing ..  next time make a contract that covers all these items .. As a foreigner you have little standing in VN.  Do your homework next time and write a very detailed contract in English and Vietnemse.  At least that gives you a leg up.  If the land lord dosen't want to sign a detailed contract then move on.  Also don't give anyone money before deal is signed.

Greglb wrote:

writing a nasty letter will do nothing ..  next time make a contract that covers all these items .. As a foreigner you have little standing in VN.  Do your homework next time and write a very detailed contract in English and Vietnemse.  At least that gives you a leg up.  If the land lord dosen't want to sign a detailed contract then move on.  Also don't give anyone money before deal is signed.

A contract doesn't help either. Would you know how to start suing someone in Vietnam?

don't waste your money.  I am from America and was a paralegal.  Your wasting your time and money.  VN lawyer would gladly take your money but you will get nowhere.  Count it up to experience and move on.

Have you considered placing a hex on him? 

Hire a gang of those dragon boys to desend on his house and suck all of the luck out of it at the beginning of Tet... :top:

Paralegal Greglb has offered sage & sound observations with which I concur. I have received the same client request countless times during my time in the USA. Generally, the client's need springs more from emotion than logic which is fine so long as the client is informed that the cost of vindicating the client's principle will be greater than any benefit received--especially in a landlord tenant setting in the USA. There, it is essentially a cost-benefit/risk-reward type analysis and the comments here in this forum suggest it is the same in VN. . It is more practical but not as emotionally satisfying to simply let it go & move on---unless you have a wheelbarrow of funds to uphold the principle that has been insulted. Good luck in finding a solution.

There is no one or any lawyer can help you here That why they call here is the promising land If you do not like it you have better left it There are a lot of place you cand find in SaiGon my dear Do not waist your time over here. Keep smiling face and move on man

Hi I am Archie and I am a solicitor from London working with linklaters llc and I am also coming to hcmc in May for project. By my research there are few legal privileges that are available for foreigners in Vietnam. But reading the previous threads does these laws have any teeth or they are as worth as the papers they are printed on. Can someone please tell me what I should look for while taking an apartment. I would staying in District1 as I have been told.