Brazililan Films to show in United Arab Emirates

Hi Everyone.

I have seen two funny Brazilian films which I want to show at a festival in United Arab Emirates, but I don't know how to get in touch with the Directors or Distributors? Can anyone help?

The Films are:
- Cine Holliudy (2012)
Director: Halder Gomes
Official Webiste:

- Mato Sem Cachorro (2013)
Director: Pedro Amorim
Production Co.: Lupa Films

Any contacts would be appreciated.


It is quite likely for the first film on your list that you'd have much greater success at contacting those responsible for distribution directly through the blog you linked to. Just click on "Deixe seu comentário" and explain what you want and give your contact information. It should of course be in Portuguese so if you don't speak the language then run your text through Google Translator and copy & paste it into the comment box.

Lupa Films (the second film on your list) has a Facebook page, you may want to contact them through it. … 8367405603

James      Expat-blog Experts Team

Dear James,

Thank you for your help. I will check them out.