About myself and teaching

My dad once taught at Victoria School in Singapore and my sis was with the British Council in Jakarta. My grandfather was an accountant and Maths teacher in Ireland and my grandmother was a caterer at a school in Lymington in Hampshire. My other sis began a Teachers Training College course in Bristol yonks ago but quit and got married. Maybe I come from a family of educators. Educating is a choice career (and sometimes one of desperation) and an important one at that. I taught English for a year when I studied at the MTC in Taiwan. I taught at a trading company, at the Taiwan Political University, an actress famous for appearing nude in a move, a TV reporter and the kid living next door. That was a long time ago. I even got a CELTA certificate at a school in Hastings a bit later. But I've never really had an interest to teach and apart from doing it in Taiwan to earn a bit of extra cash I don't think I ever will. Thank you.

Educators are a very special breed of person” that is for certain. 

I've been blessed with the close friendship of several top doctorate level Indonesian educators here in Indonesia, and their dedication and professionalism is second to none, and that's a fair comparison to my own university experience back in the US, including at Harvard. 

The expats for which I have the highest personal esteem and admiration here in Bali are those who freely volunteer their time and teach on a volunteer basis.  They understand that “giving back” is an essential part of sound character and healthy moral fiber.