Where can I buy second hand clothes?

IŽm going to the montain just once, I need pant, boots, etc and everything, also IŽm going to warmer place after here, I dont need the clothes anymore.

Thank you¡¡¡

I would try Fritex, the shop run by the Salvation Army.

Also can try in Loped markerds. loppemarked.info for the ifnormation about loppemarkeds around your area.

There seems to be a big second hand goods hall of the waste treatement company (bir.no/birprivat/Sider/BIRsbrukthaller.aspx) at a street called Espehaugen, close to Bergen Airport.
The location on google maps is maps.google.no/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=no&geocode=&q=espehaugen+bergen&sll=61.143235,9.09668&sspn=10.082403,39.506836&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Espehaugen,+5258+Bergen,+Hordaland&t=h&z=15]roughly here
I have not been there yet but it was recommended to me by locals.