Can't reply to any of my messages

Hey Everyone.

I've received some emails and I hope people don't think I'm ignoring then or being ignorant.  I have no idea why it won't let me reply to anyone so, could you add me on Facebook or email me please.

Looking forward to hearing from you all and hopefully meet you all SOON!!  :)

Melh91 wrote:

Hey Everyone.

I've received some emails and I hope people don't think I'm ignoring then or being ignorant.  I have no idea why it won't let me reply to anyone so, could you add me on Facebook or email me please.

Looking forward to hearing from you all and hopefully meet you all SOON!!  :)

To open your PM system you first have to post a number of times on the forum.The posts should be informative and not consist of one line one word or just a smiley.
The more times you post the bigger your inbox becomes.

Hi Melissa,

Stumpy is right here ! He gave you a clear explanation on the steps that you should take in order to activate your private messages.

This article might help you as well :

Thank you,

Priscilla  :cheers:

Hi Melissa,
I'm in the same situation ;)
So I'm taking advantage of your topic to send this little message who may (who knows!) unlock my account.

Thank you!

Hello all

Kindly note that we also have another section of the forum where you can participate on more open threads ;)

>> Expat Cafe - open discussions <<

This will help your account to be active plus interact with other members from around the world ;)

Kenjee Team

Ah OK that's great news as I've just joined and that could save me some frustration later on. Thanks.