Compound pharmacy

Is there a compound pharmacy in Ecuador? Either Quito, Cuenca or another large city where I might have a prescription refilled?

danadeau wrote:

Is there a compound pharmacy in Ecuador? Either Quito, Cuenca or another large city where I might have a prescription refilled?

My reaction on reading this was "What the heck is a compound pharmacy?" Or, to phrase it differently, "How is it different from my neighborhood farmacia?"

Probably most folks aren't as clueless as I am, but for those who are, the difference is that a compounding pharmacy, according to Wikipedia, is one that creates customized pharmaceuticals.

Pharmaceutical compounding (done in compounding pharmacies) is the creation of a particular pharmaceutical product to fit the unique need of a patient. To do this, compounding pharmacists combine or process appropriate ingredients using various tools. This may be done for medically necessary reasons, such as to change the form of the medication from a solid pill to a liquid, to avoid a non-essential ingredient that the patient is allergic to, or to obtain the exact dose(s) needed or deemed best of particular active pharmaceutical ingredient(s).

Sorry, I still don't know where to find such a place in Ecuador, but maybe someone else who is better informed will be able to help. Failing that, I'd suggest that you try speaking with a pharmacist at Medicity or one of the other big farmacias.

For obvious reasons, your chances will be better in Quito or Guayaquil than in smaller cities.

I think u can find

My doctor usesa compounding pharmt for my auyurvedic meds. I can only give you the doc name.

I am interested in finding out about the compound pharmacy.  Would you please give me your doctor's name?  Thanks.  Louise Keim-Loesch