Quelqu'un a t il lancé un business en New Zealand ???

I am interested for few months by life in New Zealand, because my living conditions in France became poor, and I consider seriously to become an expatriate over there, and, why not,  open a French restaurant there.
I would like to know if there are people on this forum, who jumped the step, of concept of creation of company.
your advices will be invaluable because they will help my two children and my husband to appreciate the feasibility of our project.
I thank you for your readings and answers!



   Je m'interresse depuis quelques temps à la Nouvelle Zélande, car mes conditions de vie en France sont devenues médiocres, et j'envisage avec de plus en plus de sérieux, à m'expatrier la-bas, et d'y ouvrir un restaurant français.

   J'aimerai savoir s'il y a des gens sur ce forum, qui ont sauté le pas, en notion de création d'entreprise, vos conseils seront précieux car ils aideront mes deux enfants et mon petit mari à apprécier la faisabilité de notre projet.

  Je vous remercie de vos lectures et réponses !

A bientot

As this is an English speaking forum could you please post in English so that members can understand your post and be able to assist you.
Thank you.