Jin Shin Jyutsu in Morocco

I'm an acupressurist, to be more precise a Jin Shin Jyutsu practitioner. Jin Shin Jyutsu is an art of harmonizing the energy flows in the body (and when energy is in harmony, so is the body). I intend to move to Morocco next year, and I would like to know what areas or cities are the most receptive to alternative healing modalities.  I would also like to know if there are presently Jin Shin Jyutsu practitioners in Morocco.

If anyone would like to know mmore about this art,I will tell more in a next blog. Or,go to [link moderated] 

you can send me you blog , i wanna really see this art

hi, just wanna ask if by "Jin Shin Jyutsu" u mean stuff related to reiki & chakras ??
if so, pls contact me, need to ask u a few things.

what is that !!!!

Jin Shin Jyutsu is related to these other modalities in the sense that they all deal directly with the basic Energy which is what matter is made of. The difference: Reiki addresses E at the most undifferentiated density level, in other words, pure light. JSJ addresses E at the unmanifested, manifesting and manifested density levels. UNlike chakra work, JSJ works on Energy flows in the body.By restoring the harmony of these flows we re-establish the harmony in the body, and when the E is in harmony, we are  in good health and we experience well-being at all levels.
I hope this sketchy explanation helps a little. I will enjoy answering  your questions if I can.
I am grateful for your curiosity and interest. Thank you, Cecile.

see my response to Mouad Chmanti.

please see my response to Mouad Chmanti. Do  you have specific questions?

what is a "serial expat"?

Hi Cecile.

It's a status given to members depending on their number of posts on the forum.


today I tell you a little about a Jin Shin Jyutsu treatment.
First we read 12 different energy pulses on the client's wrists. We compare them.They tell us what aspects, or flows,are in need of harmonizing. Then we lightly hold specific areas of  the client's body, in sequence, until we get synchronized pulsations in both  hands.This is how the harmonizing of the energy happens.
Besides giving treatments, I also teach clients how  to work on themselves, and I teach self-help classes.

I hope this makes sense to you. Cecile.

Origins: the knowledge of this art originated a long time ago in Tibet,where is was mostly transmitted verbally. MUch of it was forgotten over the centuries, but it was "re-discovered" in the 20th century by a Japanese man, Jiro Murai,who did  his own research and also found some writings by Tibetan monks,forgotten for 1,200 years, which outlined (in mythical terms) the basis of what we now call Jin Shin Jyutsu.
to be continued.

more about treatments.
When we give a treatment we really act as jumper cables between the client's various energy flows.  (remember, every cell in our body is a densified unit of energy --so these energy flows sustain our tissues and organs.)
that's probably enough for today.
to be continued.