Translation please?

Мартах хэрэгтэй мөчүүд их байсан ч, мартагдхааргүй хүмүүстэй өнгрүүлсэн учраас...бороо ороод дууссан учраас, цуваа өмсөх хэрэггүй дээ тэнэгхэн минь.

thank you!

there were many times that needed to be forgotten, but I spend time with unforgettable people, since the rain already finished you don't have to wear your raincoat, sweety

thank you so much!

It's more like "silly", not "sweety". But good translation.

Saihan naadamiin udeshleg bailaa bayarlalaa        (another one please)

naadam evening party was wonderful. thank you very much

You guys are wonderful for helping me so much. Thank you. I have another passage please:

Дотор бачуурдаад, толгой гашлах үед үнэхээр нүдээ аниад бүгдийг мартаасай гэж итгэдэггүй бурхандаа залбирах цаг гардаг юм байна. Гэхдээ үнэхээр


Mougi wrote:

It's more like "silly", not "sweety". But good translation.

I think that sweety is a much more convenient word than silly to replace.

You know that "тэнэгхэн минь" is a pet name for Mongolians. In English, silly means as the same as stupid or dumb.

Good translation, Tesol. :top: