Landlord/tennant rights in Hungary


We are currently in England and considering renting out a property in Hungary.

Does Hungary have specific laws regarding the contract between landlord and tennant, similar to the tennancy agreement in the UK?
In particular we would like to know, what is the law for a landlord to evict a tennant that is unable or unwilling to pay the rent and utilities?

Any information leading to the correct contract to use or a site with the relevant information would be appreciated.



I should make it clear that we would be the landlord, renting out our property.


It is a pretty much an unregulated property landscape. The system is mostly based on contract law, with basic regulations based on the 1993 Lease Act.

Being able to terminate the lease depends on the contract type. For example, a contact with a defined lease period can not be broken unless there is a breach of contract (such as tenant not paying rent on time). Terminating an indefinite lease is easier. Because it is based on contracts, to avoid possible troubles and worries, I highly recommend getting a competent** Hungarian attorney (i.e. solicitor) to create the contract for you and your tenant to sign.

**I have met some pretty incompetent attorneys here, so shop around.

Thanks for the info Kisallee, very helpful as always.