Mosquitoes in Boquete

I am considering moving to Panama after having lived in England, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and currently Los Angeles. I was bothered immensely by Mosquitoes during my two years in Australia no screens on Windows etc. I would like to find out about this problem as far as it pertains to Boquete district?
Thanks for any information.
Reg Bisgrove.

It's not so much the mosquito's in that área as it is the coffee bugs.  Screens on the windows won't really mean much as they don't sit flush to the window, there is a gap everywhere.  I always had to watch to see what was flying into the house.  I used a lot of bug spray and then antialérgica cream to fight the bites.

The other bug problem is the small ant like things that invade your kitchen.  No amount of chemical spray will work.  We had the place sprayed every month and those little black bugs just kept on coming.  There are whole blog posts about dealing with the bugs in the kicthen and what types of poison to spread around.

The other issue is the wind in that part of Panama.  Never seen anything like it.  The wind will blow almost 24/7 during the summer.  And the crap that will fly around the house and the constant fight with dust is exhauting.  When you see Panamanian woman sweeping and cleaning their floors every day its not because they are clean freaks, they are trying to stay ahead of the dust and the bugs.  I must have moved all the furniture in our place to sweep under the chairs and the furniture at least every day if not every other. You need to keep the dead bugs swept up so that there isn't anything for the scorpions to eat.  Only saw one scorpion in our 6 months in Boquete and our neighbor killed it pretty quickly.

So mosquitos are nothing.

Very informative, sounds like you did not stay long. Thank you for the information. I was trying to avoid hot humid weather by going to the mountains, however....Can you recommend a place in Panama. I live in a great climate (Los Angeles) but it is getting expensive and it is not a place to retire after years in the TV and Movie business. I don't think I would like the hustle and bustle of Panama City.

No, we didn't like PC either.  I lived in Glendale, CA for many years so I know the type of weather you are looking for. 

Panama is hot and humid, so is Nicaragua and the rest of Central America because of the equator.  You will have to live with hot and humid I'm afraid if you want Panama.  Just live by the beach so that you can use the wáter now and again. 

We visited Panama in 2011, moved to Boquete in 2012 and lived there 6 months.  It was enough.  We knew Panama wasn't a long term location for us.  We had planned on two years but things worked out for the best we think.

Panama is also on wáter watch and the power outages - unless they get an awful lot of rain - are most likely just beginning.

The other issue would be what is it you want to do all day retired?  Boquete and that área of Panama are pretty remote and isolated (even with the airport in David).  It is costly to get into and out of Panama.  So depending on what you want to do to make the time pass that should be part of your consideration as well.  IMO.

Mosquitos are not an issue in Boquete.  I won't say you won't see one or two, but there is no sitting water here which makes them a non issue.

Coffee flies can be a problem for visitors.  However, once you've been here awhile and your body gets acclimated to them (for lack of a better word) then even they won't bother you.

I visited Boquete twice a year since 2007 and it became my permanent home in 2011. 70 degree days and 60 degree evenings makes Boquete ideal. 

I'm pretty well traveled with 43 countries under my belt and hoping to add to that number in the future.  Boquete is perfect for me.

There are plenty (I mean plenty!) of volunteer opportunities here to keep you busy.  Boquete Artworks, Theatre productions, Bid 4 Boquete, etc. The list goes on.

Not every place is for everyone, but some things you need to check out for yourself.

Have a look at Lucero just up from Boquete. You can design and have your own home built by the owner or they have a few ready built options in terms of town houses (2 to a plot). Great golf course and it in too if a mountain so really awesome.