What do you miss the most?

I don't know if this has been asked before, maybe, but anyway, I wanted to ask, what do you miss the most now that you are living abroad? Well, one would expect many people to answer: family, friends, places, yes, I miss all that but what I miss the most: The food :)

For me it is 24 hour reliable electricity.

Bob K

My family, and going out with friends! (I am living on an island and there is absolutely no activity on evenings)

It's all about foods for me.  Mexican food, good junk food.  I like the food here too, but it's hard not to still crave some of the old standbys that you can't get in the new country!

Hmm... I don't know... I only remember I missed something when I'm back home actually! :gloria

Thanks for your answers!

Apart from my falmily and daughter....:/ i would miss Edinburgh, being able to jump om bus to shops.Haggis, the sundy post paper. and the four seasons in one hour lol.

talking about the weather we got rain/sleet at moment:nothappy:

Shopping Malls.,..!!!
-NO Shopping malls,here in the Maldives,what to do:(

Here in Costa Rica the thing I missed most about leaving the Portland, OR area behind were the micro-breweries! But, last week I discovered Central America's only micro-brewery, brand new, near Cartago. I bought a case of their light and red ales to bring home to Pérez Zeledón. I'll be posting about it on my blog, A Dull Roar, this week!  :cool:


Family is always missed of course, but then, being away from home most of the time, for about 5yrs now, I am not certain if i will be able to go back home for good and to feel i am actually home... strange feelings...

I am so used of living alone and adapt a life of work-home-eat then weekend... i am missing friends from where i have been before Maldives, i miss the mexican bistro i went to during weekends.. even the cafeteria near my building where i usually hang out. Guess working far away in diff foreign countries changes a person...in many ways...

Now in Maldives and next - to where life will take me forward - i wish to see my self going home one day and to feel that... that is where i belong...

My family and my best friend in france :rolleyes:

food is what i love the most..
newly baked cakes and pastries in the morning..
Oh, i like Countryside Paté Rougié! that's yummy and very cheap
$5.50 only in Le Panier Francais :)

If i move
I WON'T miss the rain....we got more rain on the way and it might be here to stay till end August :mad:

the weather , and
home cooked food .

Just thought of something els

Getting woken up by daughter shouting on computer when she playing war games.this morning she was still up till 5am, been 3 days now :mad:
also telling her to be quiet or your off puter until further notice :rolleyes:

The cold weather, the food, the countryside

To be who and what you want to be, freedom in all his aspects, the sea, the parks,flowers, forest, bicycles and outdoor activities, good quality and various cook/kitchenware and little specialized shops.

Corsican food, the smell of the "maquis" in the mountains, the crystal clear and warm water around the island and hearing the Corsican accent around.

There in Sweden people are very reserved, women wear black and grey clothes, hardly any puts a lipstick on ones lips or wear dress. There is no colours and I see no joy in peoples faces in Sweden. Once you stick out of the crowd you might feel rejected. This is my private perception of my town and local people. However, many of my foreign friends share my opinion.

And that is why I try to go on vacation at least twice a year, usually to Spain. Now, I feel for change, since I know all the palms on Canary Islands ;).

What I do not miss...is food, since I cook very well and do not stick to any recipe twice ;).

my moms cook food, missing EAT so much. :D

Salt and vinegar kettle chips (and yes you can get them in Bangkok, but they don't taste the same!)

I miss the most...Singaporean food and my friends I grew up with in Singapore!!

I miss eating curry puffs,the pastries,roti prata,kuaytiao...sometimes i make a feast here for myself when i start cooking some....then a tear runs in my eyes...

Definately parks in UK and Cadbury choc,good quality teabags,golden syrup,peace and quiet....

My family!!!

apart for my family i miss my friends and everything in childhood....no problems,no difficulties and no guilts. :(

I just miss speaking in my mother-tongue language,Singlish. I speak Tagalog-English now to my husband and kids. I really miss my Singlish:(

Aside from that,all my friends back in Sg...and my childhood home...sigh!

we should NEVER grow up...

I miss waiting in line.

I miss a few good friends

the sound of the waves on the beach

Who misses their old holidays back home?

real people

I still miss Christmas.

the christmas maarket/ greman christmas market and shows that come to edinburgh every year.

Well, dispite the fact that food in Singapore is really good I must say that I miss my peruvian food.


missing my family more than that anyone can imagine

is it not possible to imagine another's joy or sorrow.

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