Assalamo 3alaykom

greetings all the way from mombasa

Hi Yamaniyya,

Could you please introduce yourself?

Thank you.
Christine team

Yamaniyya wrote:

greetings all the way from mombasa

malaykum salam, and welcome brother,....

Alikom Salam 

How are you Salwa.This  is Sam from Sanaa Yemen, 27 years old.

Walaykum Salaaaam! Murjaanah from London!
How r u all doing?

alaikom mussalam..
hi im cally,.?

Hello all the way from Dubai...would be nice to chat in the future:)))


i I`m mother have two childrents fro Indonesia Bali
Assalamualaikum Warah matullahi Wabarakatuh

Hi Albena, i am unable to reply to your message your inbox is full



Hello gracias3892, can you please introduce yourself? :)

Thank you,

Hi guys, greetings from East Africa.. am Martin.. just joined this site today.. anybody tell me how to make full of use of it?


Greetings all the way from Brazil to all of you and welcome to Expat-blog. You will enjoy the blog I'm sure.

William James Woodward - Brazil Animator, Expat-blog

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