Car Registration Plate question...

Hello all,

My husband and I purchased a shiny new car here on the island a year ago. With that we paid the €200 extra to pick our letter/number combination that we love!:heart:  We will be moving back to the States in the coming months so my lovely car will need to be sold... pity, but it is what it is.  My real problem is that I want to keep my car plates as a momento of our time here but everything I find is saying that inorder to secure new plates you have to turn in the old ones!  :nothappy:

Can anyone advise a way I can keep them?  I'm more than happy to purchase new generic plates for the car, even pay the €200 for the next owner to customize their plates but only if I can keep mine.  Any ideas or experiences??

Thanks a ton,

tell them the plates have been stolen ?

There are loads of online companies that will make up plates (THEY CALL THEM SHOW PLATES). You just select the country, style, size and number and they send them to you. It may be cheaper to wait until you get back to the USA.


Well... I lost one plate some time ago (I really did!) during a heavy rain... so you can "lose" one as well.

Thanks guys!  I'm rolling it all around in my head....  I can't be the only one who has ever wanted to keep their plates can I??

Everyone else:  I'm still open too other thoughts and experiences.
