Looking for the facts about the weather.

We have been researching Panama for over a month.  We plan to visit for a month this fall and then retire and move to Panama next year.  As I have mentioned in previous blogs, we are looking for nice climate and a relaxed pace.  We enjoy gardening, reading, writing, playing cards, walking, and cooking.

Our biggest concern – the weather!  I know there is a rainy period and a dry period but that does not tell me much.  When I look at the forecast for just about anywhere in Panama right now (today) it forecasts rain for the entire month of May!  I don't mind some rain – but not sure I could handle weeks or months of continuance rain, or continuance cloud.  I need sunshine.

Can anyone out there share their experience with me in terms of the general weather and the explain the rainy/dry period?

Munchas gracias


Right now, as I write this, it is sunny and a VERY warm 96 degrees. Yes, you are correct, Panama has its 2 seasons.....rainy, and dry. I find that even during the rainy season, it tends to be pretty sunny still. Looking at the forecast online makes it seem that it rains non-stop. 24-7.... that's not the case. If it does rain, it seems to rain from around 2pm to 5pm, then clears up. Some days will be *one of those days* where it will rain all day....just like anywhere else in the world.... but they are far and few between. My children and I have decided to call Panama, *the land of eternal summer*. Now, if you live in the Panama City area, its going to be hot (hence the 96 degrees were I am now). If you live in the mountains of Chiriqui, Boquete or Volcan, its considerably cooler (between 75 to 65 all year long), which is a much more ideal climate for me, personally
. I hope that helps clear up some of your questions! Best of luck and happy retirement :)