I want small cat

i am in the north in trou aux biches
i want small male cat for free,
if any body have one do contact me

Hi arabman,

You could try to post this in the Mauritius classifieds > community section - Pets? Thank you.

arabman wrote:

i am in the north in trou aux biches
i want small cat for free,
if any body have one do contact me

As a pet?

If you want to offer a small cat a loving forever home then contact

PAWS 263 0541 or 686 9464

MSPCA on  2820575 or 4212159

Both are charities and have lots of cats and kittens looking for loving homes.

Let me know how you get on :)

Hi - are you looking for a kitten as a pet?

I live in Trou aux biches as well and have one kitten looking for a good home. Very nice ginger kitten who is very friendly and likes attention. If I don't find a good home for it by 28/03 I'll take it to PAWS.

If you want to have a look at the kitten tonight 26/03 or Tuesday night 27/03 please give me a call.


i have four newly born. interested?

What are you looking for, male/female?

you can drop me a message on 9512600.

Hi-I am searching for an Angora Turkish or Persian kitten for free or to buy plse do let me know.

I would like to buy British Shorthair kitten
Any info is welcome

Hello Monsa.

Welcome to Expat.com!

Have you tried to post an advert in the Pets section in Mauritius classifieds?

Thank you,