Saudi compound - nurseries and preschool pickup

myself and my wife are considering a move to Saudi to live in a compound and are exploring   job opportunities.

My wife would be seeking a job once we were settled as she is currently on mat leave.

We have two sons, one who would be 5-6 months and one who would be 3 years old.

It would be great to know how residents who are parents in compounds who both work tend to balance work and getting  home for nursery / preschool pickup?

I've  checked one compound Antara and their nursery only looks like it can care for kids until 2-3pm. Do Saudi companies typically (I work in marketing and my wife in agile project management) allow you to leave work for this or work from home ?

Great to know any solutions !

thanks for any info!!!

Look, the nursery service would be dependent on the compound.  It is generally not common.   Most people in my compound either use a private driver / service to pick and drop kids or the non-working spouse does it.

On the company angle, no one can answer that.  It really depends on the type of company you are in.  Some may be flexible but others may not be.  Generally work from home is not a popular concept in Saudi with most local companies being very strict with attendance - requiring clock in and clock out.

Lastly, you didn't ask this but flagging this now.  Your wife CANNOT work on a spouse visa.  She would need to get a work visa after she finds an employer.  And she may need to exit Saudi, go to home country and then come back on a new work visa.   So be aware of that.