Applying for permanent residence permit

Hi folks, I have an issue, and I need advice on what to do, my 3 years resident permit is about to expire, and I am applying for a permanent residence permit (unbefristete Aufenthaltserlaubnis) but the mother of my daughter is refusing to sign. Though I have everything regarding my daughter, I have been working for the past 4 years, and paying. I got a call from Auslandamt that on expiration, they will give me another 3 months because of my job, then in about a month time, they will do something. Does anyone know about this? And what should I do?


@kelvinkome4all I do not fully understand what your daughter has to do with your application. Maybe you can explain the situation in more detail?

@beppi my daughter is German but living with the mum, I wanted to apply for a permanent residence permit for myself, but Auslandamt said the mother has to sign, but she's saying no. Hope you understand

Germany is one of the rare countries that will sometimes tolerate a foreigner being granted residency as the parent of a local citizen child even though not married to a German citizen. But the conditions are strict. Usually the foreigner has to not only be paying for the child but living with the other parent; helping to raise the child and not just pay. But if they split up, one can always try. If one has a steady job, pays their taxes and obligations for child support, commits no crimes then they might be granted permission, but it's not guaranteed as far as I know. But I have to admit the details of such a scenario are beyond my knowledge.  I think what might seem to be a minor detail could be a factor, or sometimes it is really just a gray area at the discretion of the official deciding, and they might not like you. And work skills could come into play. If one only offers non-skilled or low skilled labor then they are seen as much less desirable as one offering highly demanded skills for which they might have a good chance at getting a job and work visa for in other contexts.