Is there a way to apply for a residence visa online?

My spouse and I heard that we need to go to an embassy to get a residence visa, and we're trying to save up for the trip, but we were wondering if there was a way to do this online, and save some money. We don't know what we're doing, we just want to get to the Netherlands. Thank you.

Hi and welcome to the Forum.

There are many ways to apply for a residency permit in the Netherlands.  The Dutch Government department that deals with this (IND) has a website with all the details of how to apply, this link will take you straight to the start page.  The website also gives you access to their contact information to phone and ask specific questions; this link will take you straight to it.

Be wary of people who offer simple solutions, they are invariably scammers.

I have removed your duplicate post on this Forum.

I hope this helps.


Expat Team


Thank you so much. Sorry for the duplicates, I have no idea what happened.


I've already had like 3 people trying to scam me on here, but don't worry, I knew they were scams the second I read their messages.