Holiday blues

Well arrived Bulgaria fantastic flight came in at 30 minutes early (

Now the blues started

Booked a car with easy rent back in October through  economy bookings .. no car and no one in the office either . No answers to any of the tel numbers ... Contacted Econ bookings they looked an said it was cancel by easy rent  I asked then why they didn't tell me and also why I had received a reminder only 4 hours before my flight ?  Oh it's a auto reminder  he said.. what for a booking that was cancelled !  Stunned silence lol.   I demanded he get me a car right now as I'm 50km from my destination .. hold the line .... Sorry you will have to send an email to head office ... What! Me send not the econ bookings rep omg

You are having a laugh right ..  this company is unbelievable .. never ever again and that includes easy rent who were still advertising cars on this very day but fir another  £150 pounds .. beware both these companies . The rep said he can give me a refund for my deposit .   Guess what no deposit in sure yet .. ggrrrrr about as much use as a chocholate fire guard.  To be continued shortly ..

So there I was like a turkey waiting for Christmas trying to get a hire car .. mmm sicking duck git one £1300 ... I pair £420 fir the pre booked one ..  ggrrrrr I knew it would be the case ..

Anyway now with car and arrived Samokov :)  not a spec if snow even better..  first job get the log fires going ... Main stove failed to light  and is buggered.. managed to get 2 mollies working and last year I bought a new catolytic  one .. started great .  2 hrs later stopped working  pilot light kept going out .. took the regulator off to bleed any gas and fired it up straight away then the regulator seal failed and it exploded into flame .. fire everywhere.  Turned it off at the lever on the regulator and the fire decreased apert from the regulator so had to put my hands into the burning gas and unhitched the regulator from the bottle and it immediately stopped phew that was close shave .. won't have to shave the hairs off my hands now  .. burn hair dies stink though not recommended for nasal hair so don't do this at home ..

So now settled but a little stressed good nights sleep..  oh it got a lot worse next morning !

The missus had a Facebook call come from Philippines . Next she absolutely distracted.  It took me 5 minutes to calm her .   Her favourite sister just been killed in a motorcycle accident .. left 5 kids no husband ..   it was the most miserable experience even I had tears when we saw her dead body.. she wasn't wearing a helmet and bashed her head in against a wall so tragic   I was now giving up the will to live !

I knew what was coming next she wanted to go see her sister   so spent half a day trying to get her a flight from Sofia to Manila and then flight to dipolog .  Managed it an got get a flights booked. So here I am alone in Samokov worrying about my missus traveling to dipolog .  1st 2 stages done an we had a video cal as she now in manila :)  so she now wakes for 12 hrs to get her next flight ..  snowed today an I finally got to get a couple of hours ski in after being here 5 days .. still snowing .. ski tomoz   supposed to be sunny

Missus will return Sofia 21st Jan ..

Hope all my bad luck is over fir this holiday .. thank god where here for 3 months .. think uv aged 10 years in 5 days  lol

@philip Mckay

What a nightmare, but nothing compared to your poor wife's sister. I'm so sorry. Your wife must be devastated. 😔

She was unconsolable.. Gardinier was a lovely girl 34 years old ...  The kids when told were saying no she be home soon .. omg!

Brakes failed on the bike and she smashed headfirst into the wall ..

I'm de stressing by baking cake.  Haven't got a clue if it's the right flour .. managed to get some vanilla sugar and baking powder  by asking if anyone  spoke English .   Mmm just had a slice .. yummy .. coconut cake tomoz :)

@philip Mckay

oh my goodness your poor wives sister family and you of course. im so sorry.

it never rains but it pours when things dont fo to plan does it. 

how dis the cake end up, distracted enough i hope

My belly is distracted it's huge I didn't have a loaf tin so made it in a glass  casserole dish.. I can feel the ski suit getting tighter lol

Yes it's pretty traumatic really ,I feel it aswell as she was very helpful to us when we bought our house there and loads of other stuff... She was my wife's soulmate sister and it's really hit her very hard... Having to travel  all that way while grieving must have been heart aching ... But she is home now .. takes 3 days just to get there she left Monday an arrived Wednesday .. I'm still trying to link up properly so we can speek together but time frames are 5 hours different from Bulgaria..  I'll have to send a time that we can speek today ..   skiing on my own is just not the same.  But she will return on the 20th jan after the funeral which goes on for days  and days.  It's very different there ..

Many thanks for your comments 🙂

Sorry for your loss mate. Hows your lady coping? Can you not make it out there?

So sorry, Philip. What a nightmare for you both. I am so sorry.