Hello, I am new to GZ. Looking to go out more.

I have been in Guangzhou for a little over a week now. I would like to meet some fun people to hang out with. I only know my co-workers...I would like to branch out a bit.


Too late now, next week, good night.:D

Hi, Musikirby, good to see you here.

Enjoy your time in GZ, can't wait to see you somewhere.

F.H. Zao, are you from Guangzhou?

Sure, purely made in GZ! well, almost, lol.

we may meet up, lol.

Hey MusiKirby, I have invited you to my Gtalk, which is running all the time on my cell phone, turn it on if ur phone is doing the same track. BTW, you can call me frankie or zao, and how may I call you for short? or just the full..............name,keke.

hello dear,i am also fun people who can like to meet outgoing people,pls reply me if you can stay more one month in gz