Looking to get a scooter- any advice?

I recently moved to Binh Duong as an English teacher, and it's immediately clear to me that I'll need to get a scooter. However, I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed figuring out what to get and the best way to go about it, so I could use some input from more experienced people. The main issues are:

-I have not ridden a scooter before (in Vietnam or my home country). I know I need to learn.

-Because I do not have a license, I am limited to 50cc scooters. This will be more than enough to commute to work, but I don't know if it will be enough to get to Ho Chi Minh City with any frequency.

-I can't decide whether to rent a 50cc scooter to learn and then take the license test so I can buy a higher CC model, or to buy a 50cc. If I rent, I have to get the bike in Ho Chi Minh City since there aren't any rental options in Binh Duong- and given the amount of traffic in HCMC, I'm not sure that's the best place to start.

If anyone has any advice on the best way to go about this, I would welcome it. Thank you.

I recently moved to Binh Duong as an English teacher, and it's immediately clear to me that I'll need to get a scooter. However, I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed figuring out what to get and the best way to go about it, so I could use some input from more experienced people. The main issues are:
-I have not ridden a scooter before (in Vietnam or my home country). I know I need to learn.
-Because I do not have a license, I am limited to 50cc scooters. This will be more than enough to commute to work, but I don't know if it will be enough to get to Ho Chi Minh City with any frequency.
-I can't decide whether to rent a 50cc scooter to learn and then take the license test so I can buy a higher CC model, or to buy a 50cc. If I rent, I have to get the bike in Ho Chi Minh City since there aren't any rental options in Binh Duong- and given the amount of traffic in HCMC, I'm not sure that's the best place to start.

If anyone has any advice on the best way to go about this, I would welcome it. Thank you.

HCMC is the wrong place to learn to ride. For a beginner it is DANGEROUS.

HCMC has one of the best bus systems anywhere and very inexpensive.

Have you considered an electric bike (xe đạp điện), maybe as a way to get used to the rules of the road? I used to ride one around Vung Tau, and considered it a fairly safe, slower, lighter suitable alternative.

It's not without its drawbacks though. May not work well if you're too tall, for example.

I recently moved to Binh Duong as an English teacher, and it's immediately clear to me that I'll need to get a scooter. However, I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed figuring out what to get and the best way to go about it, so I could use some input from more experienced people. The main issues are:
-I have not ridden a scooter before (in Vietnam or my home country). I know I need to learn.
-Because I do not have a license, I am limited to 50cc scooters. This will be more than enough to commute to work, but I don't know if it will be enough to get to Ho Chi Minh City with any frequency.
-I can't decide whether to rent a 50cc scooter to learn and then take the license test so I can buy a higher CC model, or to buy a 50cc. If I rent, I have to get the bike in Ho Chi Minh City since there aren't any rental options in Binh Duong- and given the amount of traffic in HCMC, I'm not sure that's the best place to start.

If anyone has any advice on the best way to go about this, I would welcome it. Thank you.

make sure your medical insurance covers "hospital in patient"

@pogiwayne Thank you- I definitely got that impression. Based on what others have said, I may go for an electric bike for my main commuter needs. With that said, is there any bus or train route between Ho Chi Minh City and Binh Duong? I'm having trouble getting a straight answer on Google, and I'd prefer to find a more cost-effective option than Grab.

I recently moved to Binh Duong as an English teacher, and it's immediately clear to me that I'll need to get a scooter. However, I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed figuring out what to get and the best way to go about it, so I could use some input from more experienced people.

Hi there tistraut, and welcome to expat.com. Good to have you onboard.

The main issues are:
-I have not ridden a scooter before (in Vietnam or my home country). I know I need to learn.

Please be careful. Vietnam has one of the highest road accident fatality rates in the world. Learning to ride a small scooter responsibly will not be too difficult. What will be much more challenging will be learning the "rules of the road", or rather the lack thereof. How long have you been in Vietnam? I'm assuming you've noticed the lack of STOP signs at intersections.

You didn't mention whether you have experience driving a car. If so, be prepared to abandon much of the rules which you had learned.

-Because I do not have a license, I am limited to 50cc scooters. This will be more than enough to commute to work, but I don't know if it will be enough to get to Ho Chi Minh City with any frequency.

It will get you to Saigon and back, without doubt. Its comfort will depend upon your weight and height. Due to your current inexperience riding I would suggest that you not entertain any thoughts of this (yet), and certainly not, as you said, with any frequency.

-I can't decide whether to rent a 50cc scooter to learn and then take the license test so I can buy a higher CC model, or to buy a 50cc. If I rent, I have to get the bike in Ho Chi Minh City since there aren't any rental options in Binh Duong- and given the amount of traffic in HCMC, I'm not sure that's the best place to start.

If your set on owning a scooter, 50cc bikes can be had on the used market quite cheaply. You didn't mention in which part of Binh Duong you live, so you can take a look, here (Link). That link covers all of the districts/wards in your area with 50cc bikes listed for sale.

If anyone has any advice on the best way to go about this, I would welcome it. Thank you.

Buy yourself an inexpensive scooter so you can see whether riding is right for you. Prior to purchasing, might be a good idea to scout out a repair shop close to your home. Chat them up a bit, and ask for recommendations on make/models. They'll be the one you'll go to to have the scooter given a good once-over to check for necessary repairs prior to purchase.

Please keep us updated on this. It will be a topic of interest to many new arrivals in Vietnam.

Again, welcome to expat.com. Nice to have you onboard.

@pogiwayne Thank you- I definitely got that impression. Based on what others have said, I may go for an electric bike for my main commuter needs. With that said, is there any bus or train route between Ho Chi Minh City and Binh Duong? I'm having trouble getting a straight answer on Google, and I'd prefer to find a more cost-effective option than Grab.

There is a Saigon Bus app. Shows all the routes and has search capabilities. I use it daily.

...If I rent, I have to get the bike in Ho Chi Minh City since there aren't any rental options in Binh Duong...

Anywhere there's a motel or hotel there's probably scooters for rent