Where to have yellow fever vaccine in Mauritius?

Hi, I need to get a yellow fever vaccination to travel to an Afrucan country. Already called Wellkin, reception told me if the pharmacy has the vaccine will call me back. She didn't call back. Anyone else has idea where I can go? Thanks a lot.

@shen wei

Yes for Africa travelling you need yellow fever vaccine.

Go to any nearest Govt medical center or hospital, they will give you.

@jayonline je vais essayer aujourd'hui merci

Will try today, thank you

Let us know they give or not, so can recommend futher anyone if needed.

@jayonline hi I had the vaccine today at Port Louis Mutual Aid Building, 1st floor International Vaccination Center. This might be the only place give yellow fever vaccine after checking several hospital and clinics. They open 9am to 11am, 1pm to 2.15pm.

Thank you for the update @Shen Wei.

It is very appreciated. Will surely benefit other members.

@shen wei thank you so much, this so helpful. Can you please share how much does the yellow fever vaccine cost ?


Hello and welcome !

It's been a while since Shen Wei last logged in.

Feel free to contact the vaccination centre to enquire.

Adresse : Mutual Aid Building, Port Louis

Téléphone : 212 4464

