UK guy trying to get some insight

Met a girl last time I was in Morocco at her place of work she was a receptionist, I wasn't looking to meet anyone but she seemed cool and I asked her if she wanted to get some food so I could get to know her. Long story short we have been talking for about 2 months everyday about various things the age gap isn't too far between us 5 years.

Over the course of us talking we have developed feelings for each other and confessed and spoke about a number of things; she has mentioned she has no intention of living in the uk and would like a family, she has also mentioned she would like to complete her masters before marrying. And has said the next time I visit I'm to meet her family.

So far she seems genuine however after hearing about crazy marriage frauds etc I'm just not too sure of what to make of it, I do like the girl as she has a good personality and her future goals etc are similar to mine.

She doesn't seem like she's after a visa unless that's just the con to start with and she doesn't seem to want money.

Any tips on how to see if she is actually genuine as I don't want to invest time into this for it to be something sinister.

@hn241 it's a huge gamble my friend because I had many experiences like these with Moroccan ladies and it's a gamble most of them are scammers and very known to scam people so just be aware even if they say I don't want uk it's just to keep you confused like I said not all but most of Moroccan women are scammers just be aware

@Lostking98 I'm being extra cautious regarding the whole thing because i'v heard of a lot of experiences from people however I do know the odd people who are the exception to this. With that being said just trying to gain a little more knowledge on how to proceed or whether I should at all thank you for the reply appreciate the warning and will most definitely take it into consideration.

@hn241 the only thing that's sinister here is you. You will not get someone more genuine that this lady who is offering you to meet her parents and she has no intentions of leaving Morocco.

@idouarab2712 I don't mean to cause any offence and apologies if it has come across like that, however due the number of people who have perhaps been in similar situations as my self I'd appreciate some insight on how to navigate this scenario, as you well know there have been many people similar to myself who thought it was promising for it in the end to be sinister, I'm just trying to protect myself as anyone would by getting some more information from people regarding their experiences, before investing any further time and emotions into it.

Why would you trust any of us, anonymous strangers, over your judgement or over this person you got to talk to and got to know for months?

It feels like you think you are better set in life than her, because of where you were born, and because she was born in Morocco. Why do ssoooooo many people come from everywhere around the world to settle here, in Morocco, as expats, if it's such a bad place that all Moroccans would want to flee from?

it's this, or you are unsure of what you have to offer as a person, and do not believe she could genuinely think of you as a decent partner? maybe learn to see yourself through her eyes and love yourself so she can love you without this shadiness.

I'm a Moroccan woman, and I'm tired of feeling like you ( white people ^^ yes I will generalize )  would be the one who needs to be protected from us, I wish we had been saved from you when your nation took 2/3 of the world, split Africa with a ruler amongst yourself, helped yourself to our resources, and people to fight your wars and become replicas of what you deemed civilized, picked and chose, divided and ravaged the world till you made it the way it is, a place of distrust and mischief, where people have to take before they get taken.

I hope you don't make her feel like she has to prove herself to you, and I hope you'll do the work to know her and her culture as she probably already knows yours ( been shoved down our throats for a while now. )

Good luck to both of you.



I'm a Moroccan American woman so I kind of get both sides. I think like any other relationship make sure you lay everything out there so neither one of you has different expectations. I'm not sure how the marriage laws work in the UK or if you could get a prenup to be on the safe side but I'd do that if I was you. I think you can tell pretty early on if someone actually feels a connection with you or is just using you for material things. Have a conversation with her and meet her family also if you can bring a family member or friend along with you so they can give you their opinion as well. I hope all goes well!

@Arishae I'm trusting people's experiences on the forum to gain some more knowledge regarding it, 2 months in the grand scheme of things is not enough to know the true intentions of someone. And I'm sure I wouldn't be the first or the last person to get advantage taken of if I was to blindly follow my emotions rather than my thoughts.

I don't believe I'm better set in life than anyone, the only difference is in this scenario that is I'm in a first world country and she is from a third world country a common theme surrounds that regarding emotional manipulation to get a visa. I do love the country and the people and the culture however in this scenario I would be uprooting my life for the girl which I'm happy to do providing its genuine, I'm from a different part of the world things work differently here I'm just trying to gain a better understanding of how to navigate in this situation it's not me intentionally being offensive to Moroccan people It's just purely to gain a better understanding from others experiences.

I love myself enough to know I should do my due diligence nobody wants their emotions hurt, it's just being cautious more than anything understandably so the country does have a reputation for things to turn very sour in these instances. However, I do know of people who have had positive experiences as well, it doesn't hurt to get other experiences and opinions on the matter to form a decision.

I'm sorry you feel offended regarding the query, and I don't think that applies to me as I'm not white English.

I'm doing the work and more but at the same time I'm also doing my due diligence as anyone would if they were considering someone to be in their future indefinitely.

Thank you, for the record I do sincerely hope it works and is genuine. 🙏

@HajarJen I appreciate your advice and will take that on board we have done that to an extent and would probably need to deep dive into it. at the moment, I think the only reason I'm more hesitant this time is it feels like things are moving very fast in terms of emotions and when that happens I'v always been told to step back and evaluate things which I am doing before investing further time and emotions into this. Sometimes when you go off your emotions you tend to push aside other people's opinions and views on the situation, I came across this forum today and have just read some of the experiences people have gone through as you can imagine it casts a lot of doubt and


In regards to marriage if it does get that far was hoping it would be in Morocco, from what I understand once agreed by both parties you can stipulate certain things in the contract.

Yes I will be bringing someone a long to get a second opinion and also be interesting to meet her family and gain a better insight into her upbringing. It's all exciting and very nerve racking at the same time. Thank you, me too 😁🙏

@idouarab2712 that's all lies even if she says that they are dangerous

@Arishae prove me wrong

@hn241 yes please do my friend because they have a strong face they will say yeah I'm kind i will stay in morocco then after they will ruin your life just be cautious

@hn241 I think you're looking too much into things. Let it flow but protect yourself.  If you look for bad, you'll find that. If she seems genuine and she's happy then she's human and it may not be anything sinister.  Not all people are bad, a few bad eggs ruin it for the nice Moroccans. Especially if she's educated and working and is upfront with you about not wanting a visa.

@Lostking98 yeh I get where you're coming from I'll be vigilant for sure, thank you 😊

@zahidiqbal81 yeh I'm trying to keep a positive attitude because from what I can tell she does seem like a genuine person, it's just when you go down the rabbit hole of internet research sends your head a little sideways 🤦‍♂️🤣 those faint voices of stories told you to by others peoples bad experiences pop in and you're in a bad place, I'm going to let it flow and just be cautious if I catch a red flag and the alarm bells start ringing I'll be sure to stop communications, my only concern is once you develop feelings for someone and continue to talk to them it only makes it worse down the line, hence why I don't want to be in that position don't get me wrong every country has its bad eggs I'v gone through heartbreak before and that was in the country I reside in haha! But with the stigma attached to Moroccan women I just feel I need to be extra cautious that's all. I appreciate the comment and will take it on board thank you 🙏

@hn241 how well does anybody know another just from a few holiday meet-ups to justify marriage? All relationships go through a honey moon period where you have butterflies in your stomach at every meeting. There's nothing peculiar or particular about Moroccans. If you click and genuinely have true feelings then great you are meeting the family but it's just the beginning. Don't rush into anything there will be a lot of family pressure and emotional blackmail.

(ie if you like it better put a ring on it etc etc) you won't get to test drive unless you agree to buy the car.

@abizaman Yeh I completely agree with that the honeymoon phase is a major factor to consider, the timescale of it all just seems more rushed than normal for me and based on others experience it doesn't seem to have a great track record when it's going like that 🥴 although I am excited to meet the family I get what you mean I sense that'll be thrown in there at some point at the meet, usually in this case it's never this soon but cultural differences etc but I didn't take Morocco to be big on deen they seem very relaxed regarding it especially in the cities. So I couldn't possibly imagine the family meeting or pressures of getting it done as soon as possible would be in play however, will have to wait and see for that one; appreciate your comment. Thank you 🙏

@hn241 what kind of relationship are you actually looking for? Suspicious person like you should be honest and talk to this lady about your concerns. She will probably understand or just tell you to find someone else. Either way you will find out.

@hn241 I think you only dealt with half of my comment. Your whole approach doesn't appear to be of somebody ready to marry let alone Marry somebody in another country. Nobody here knows this lady better than you but it appears she's doing everything right and you just seem to be hiding behind other peoples stories to raise issues which don't or might not exist. Follow your heart be true to the lady. Give respect and transparency and leave the rest to fate. Don't over promise and don't do what lots of other guys do which is to leave a nice Moroccan lady in limbo married only in name in Morocco while you come and go for holiday romance afraid that she will steal your assets if she ever comes to uk. I've known lots of lovely Moroccan women. I never met a cheat or a scammer but there are quirks to relationships that only the two involved know. You have to get to know each other really well.

@hn241 If things go too fast, that could be a red flag. How long did it take for her to declare her love to you? Does she lovebombe you? My Moroccan BF declared his love to me only after one meeting. And he wanted to marry me after two months. That is the point when I have doubted about his purpose. He never asked me for money directly. But he emphasized he was poor and his parents were seriously sick. Take your time, if it is true love you will feel the strong connection between you despite the long distance. If she is a con artist, you will feel it. Good luck!

Met a girl last time I was in Morocco at her place of work she was a receptionist, I wasn't looking to meet anyone but she seemed cool and I asked her if she wanted to get some food so I could get to know her. Long story short we have been talking for about 2 months everyday about various things the age gap isn't too far between us 5 years.
Over the course of us talking we have developed feelings for each other and confessed and spoke about a number of things; she has mentioned she has no intention of living in the uk and would like a family, she has also mentioned she would like to complete her masters before marrying. And has said the next time I visit I'm to meet her family.

So far she seems genuine however after hearing about crazy marriage frauds etc I'm just not too sure of what to make of it, I do like the girl as she has a good personality and her future goals etc are similar to mine.

She doesn't seem like she's after a visa unless that's just the con to start with and she doesn't seem to want money.

Any tips on how to see if she is actually genuine as I don't want to invest time into this for it to be something sinister.

i think it safe to say that follow your feelings and meet the family and if your both happy then continue.

to listen to other stories and say everyone a con or fraud is total nonsense

we are all human and build emotion and feelings fast. What's to say she might think the same about you.

Remember ever country is the same there are good and bad everywhere not just in Morocco.

trust your gut. Trust your feelings. Do your research remember not everyone is bad there are more sauces stories than the bad one. It's just people only talk about the bad no one ever talks about the good. 😉

ignore what other days but don't rush until your totally satisfied. Marriage and relationship takes two to work and compromises on both ends not just one side.

hope that helps



@Vakil I agree on everything you have said

@hn241 Why rush unto marriage? Moroccan ladies are way too dangerous ,they are heartless scammy women.they will make you suffer once they will get what they want:a ticket meal tru the green card that is what they all want no exception.not interested in living in the Uk ?...yeah right they all say that...if i was you i d look for a girl back home:same culture , same religion, easy understanding leads to less confusion for ur kids and less problems in ur me i ve been tru it ,i got the T shirt

@hn241 Make two rakat istikharah and ask Allah what you should do. Ask Him to make it clear for you and then you'll see eventually if it's beneficial and real it will complete. If it's not ask Him to take it away. Only He knows, no one else. Trust your gut feeling too.

@hn241 a family is her pass to the uk not being married to you.

If you have kids together, her kids are British by decent if your born in the UK.

She can have kids with you, get divorced and be free of you, rip you for child support and get her residency to the uk through your child