Lease Agreement For TIE

Greetings everyone. We need to obtain our TIE, and just found out yesterday that this requires proof of residency established through the local City Hall, based on a lease agreement. We had already made plans to stay in different places in Spain (using AirBnB) before settling down so this throws a wrench in the works as AirBnB is not an acceptable way of establishing residency.

Is there an expedient way to establish residency that others may have used?  Open to ideas. 

Thanks ... Fred Christensen

I'm sorry to hear about your difficulty but it doesn't surprise me that short-term rentals are not accepted.

To get my card, I had to show a rental agreement and the lawyer I was using also suggested I get the landlord to sign a simple statement saying that they are OK with me using the residency address of the residency as proof of residency in Spain for the purposes of immigration.

I know some people have been able to live in an RV and gain temporary residency but don't know how they worked it out.

You might try and find a very inexpensive place to rent long-term and use that as your residency of record. Maybe even see it as a base to store some clothes and other items you don't need to travel with all the time.

You know the bottom line: You will need to register first with an ayuntamiento and then apply at the Oficina de Extranjería. I don't think you'll find an ayuntamiento that will allow you to register your presence without a long-term rental.

The following may help you get a local office to approve your presence there. It is what my lawyer asked me to get my landlord to sign.

Yo don..... mayor de edad con DNI .... y con domicilio en..... , propietario de la vivienda sita en .... autorizo a don ...XXX.... a empadronarse en el domicilio del cual es arrendatario.

If you find a cheap rental and get the landlord to sign this you should not have a problem.

Hi Tomwins ... thank you for a very informative reply. The option of a cheap, base camp lease is also on our mind and we sent out alot of inquiries through idealista yesterday.

Thanks ... Fred

This morning I thought of two things that may help you.

  1. My lease is a month to month. So you shouldn't need to pursue a year lease. This may help you get a place to register locally and get your card and then have time to find a better solution.
  2. Find a local lawyer to work with you. The young man I work with knows the people at all the offices we went to and made it incredibly smoother. If you have any concerns, having them look over the material will increase significantly the likelyhood it will be approved. It was only a couple of hundred euros for me.


@Fred Christensen29 Maybe you have a friend who will let you use their address as a postal address, They need to state that you live there rent free, I f you spend the occasional weekend living with them also using Air BnB . But you must have something like this. A hotel or room or caravan park is not excepted