Advise on self study for Civic Integration Exam for MMV Visa.

Hi there,

My partner got a job offer in Netherlands and we are planning to apply for the partnership/MMV visa for me on mid-Sept, therefore planning to take the civic exam in mid-July.

I have no knowledge in Dutch language and recently research what if self study is possible to pass the exam. I notice there are free lessons and materials on Naar Netherlands,

1) I wonder are the materials in Naar Netherlands sufficient enough for someone like me who is starting from zero to be able to learn Dutch for the exam?

2) Is it possible to learn A1/A2 dutch in 1.5 months? as I am only free and able to start study on June

3) Would be great if anyone like me who started from zero share your experience and timeline how you manage to pass this exam? Is it hard?

Any advise you would like to share? Thank you

Hi and welcome to the Forum.

Naar Nederland has been used by many people.  While the lessons are free, you have to pay for the exams (costs € 150 for all the parts together.)  You can read all about it on the Dutch Government website.

I hope this helps.


Expat Team

I had once a student who had just one month time before she has to take the exam.

It is possible to do it in a short period of time but you need to sleep, eat and study.

Nothing else.

You can do it on your own.

@Primadonna thank you for sharing =)

@Cynic thank you. aware of the fee, i did check out and sign up for the e-learning and hope i will be able to pick up in a month

@Cynic thank you. aware of the fee, i did check out and sign up for the e-learning and hope i will be able to pick up in a month
-@KiMi Lee

I want to say something about the one month part: although I have yet another student who have an exam within one month, I do not recommend this. It sets a huge pressure on you and you think that you're not going to make it.

The normal time to be ready is somewhere between three and four months, assuming you have work and can study only in the evenings and weekends.

If you learn easily a new language, your English is pretty cool then you have a chance to pass. In between all those lessons and text there are many hidden grammar rules which at this point is very basic.

If you can find them and understand then you're good to go.

Don't forget if you find the shortcuts and try to be as fast as possible, it might be feasible in the beginning to pass the exam and travel to the Netherlands. But once you arrived, you have to continue with learning Dutch and when your base is not well, you might getting in trouble by then.

So start now while you can, the more you spend time on it, the better will be for you

Anyway, wish you good 👍

@Cynic thank you. aware of the fee, i did check out and sign up for the e-learning and hope i will be able to pick up in a month
-@KiMi Lee

I want to say something about the one month part: although I have yet another student who have an exam within one month, I do not recommend this. It sets a huge pressure on you and you think that you're not going to make it.
The normal time to be ready is somewhere between three and four months, assuming you have work and can study only in the evenings and weekends.
If you learn easily a new language, your English is pretty cool then you have a chance to pass. In between all those lessons and text there are many hidden grammar rules which at this point is very basic.
If you can find them and understand then you're good to go.

Don't forget if you find the shortcuts and try to be as fast as possible, it might be feasible in the beginning to pass the exam and travel to the Netherlands. But once you arrived, you have to continue with learning Dutch and when your base is not well, you might getting in trouble by then.

So start now while you can, the more you spend time on it, the better will be for you

Anyway, wish you good 👍

Thank you so much for taking your time to share your insights. It's really helpful, gave me an idea on how to manage. The reason I need to learn it soon because I would need the exam results be ready by mid-Aug since it takes up to 8 weeks for the results to be out as we are planning to apply the partnership visa then.

But after the exam I do plan to continue study the language before I head over since there is another 90 days waiting period for the visa too. Planning to join my partner in Netherlands by End Dec or Early Jan.

Yes will be starting soon just been busy settling work project.

Since need alot of focus, then I plan to take 2-3 weeks off from work as well to fully focus study & practice before the exam.

Question about the grammar rules, when u mentioned basic are they very strict with grammar or the test is to make sure you at least can pick up the sentences and understand Dutch?

I'm actually trilingual. My main daily language is English follow by Malay (spoken & written) and Chinese (speaking only) which have 2 dialects-Cantonese & Mandarin(basic) .

I used to know minimum Portuguese (Brazillian) some basic sentences and words but my expats friends have left so that went down the drain.

Not sure if being multi-lingual will help me in picking up Dutch? 😁

Question about the grammar rules, when u mentioned basic are they very strict with grammar or the test is to make sure you at least can pick up the sentences and understand Dutch?

Not sure if being multi-lingual will help me in picking up Dutch? 😁
-@KiMi Lee

In the A1 lest you have only a read and a speak exam. Writing is in A2 where you have to write an email or a letter to a person or organisation.

Knowing some basic grammar will sound your sentences good and you show them that you master the level of Dutch.

Native in English will help you to get the Dutch very fast.

For mmv visa Basic civic exam is consider A1? As I see there is no writing test

For mmv visa Basic civic exam is consider A1? As I see there is no writing test
-@KiMi Lee

The book Naar Nederland is on level A1 but ends towards A2.

I didn't said that the A1 level exam consist writing, A2 does have this.


I wonder do you know during speaking exam if we answer De instead of Het will my answers immediately be a fail and deducted?As the neuter words and fem masc is very new, I'm worry this is the part struggle to differentiate

The articles DE and HET (the) are used for different words.

It goes to far and to deep to explain here.

Use Google to find out which word to use when.