New online tax portal coming soon

The island's Tax Department has announced the commencement of the gradual implementation of the new Single Tax Administration Portal – Tax For All – as of March. This will progressively replace – amongst others – the TAXISnet platform.

An important element for the transition to the TFA Taxpayer Portal is the electronic address which is used for the update and communication with Users, Philenews also reported on Sunday.

Therefore, taxpayers should proceed with updating their electronic address via the TAXISnet website, the validity of which is a necessary element for the transfer of their account from the Taxisnet system to the new TFA system.

Changing the e-mail address can be done by following the instructions posted on the Tax Department's website at

The implementation of the first phase of TFA will affect – amongst other – the VAT registration of taxpayers, returns, statements, confirmations, payments, tax refunds and the issuing of various certificates.

The relevant department has informed all affected parties by email, providing a description of the new system.

Tax Commissioner Sotiris Markides believes the operation of the TFA will enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the Tax Department while it will also contribute to the increase of the state's tax revenue.

SOURCE … -of-march/