Would I be able to apply for a tourist visa to visit my partner?

Hello everyone.

I was just wondering if applying for a tourist visa to visit my partner in the Netherlands is acceptable while my MVV is getting processed?

Would that jeopardize my chances in getting a positive response from the IND?

Hi and welcome to the Forum.

The answer to your question is on the IND website, where it says (link):

IND website wrote:

The purpose of the mvv is that the IND can check whether you meet all conditions before you come to the Netherlands. Therefore, it is not desirable for you to be in the Netherlands during the procedure. The IND strongly advises against it.

Do you have an urgent reason to be in the Netherlands during the mvv application? Report this reason to the IND before you come to the Netherlands.

Are you coming to the Netherlands during the procedure? Then this is your own responsibility. You also always need to collect the mvv at the Dutch embassy in your country of origin or the country of continuous residence.

I hope this helps.


Expat Team