Need help with this translation!

What does Ra ghir mrati, 7achak mean in English?

@Claudia Mirandola it means "It's just my wife" and "7achak" has almost the same meaning as "Pardon my French"

@Claudia Mirandola '' Rah ghir mrati'' it means it' s just my wife, but the word '' 7achak'' we say it when you're not satisfied about something or when someone's calling you wrong, for me that men who said''it' s just my wife 7achak'' double shame on him!

That's more like a downgrading call/ statement on female partners (as wives). Good thing that the younger generations are raised more respectful mannerisms towards each other in Morocco. This sounds more like a boomer/ older generation's phrase (though many guys then were respectful towards women).

@Mehdizer hi, thanks for replying! So, is it a phrase a man might use to justify abusing his wife?

@Afraa Quinn  hi, thanks for replying! So, is it a phrase a man might use to justify abusing his wife?

No, it doesn't mean it is a phrase that a man might use to justify abusing his wife, but it shows clearly that this man HAS NO RESPECT for his wife. Unfortunately, that's a backward expression - the equivalent in English would be 'That's my damned wife"

EDIT: I am not saying that the man does not abuse his wife - but the expression is not an indication off abuse, but huge disrespect.