Appeal or not appeal?

Hi everyone, I have a few questions:

1- if you are denied from a family reunion (not enough income), is this a better to appeal or not? 

2- İf you do appeal can you add new information like a new job contract during to appeal waiting time?

3- If you do not appeal and are back in your country with a denial, is it possible to get a new family visit visa to visit your husband?

basically, what would you do? what are the best options?

thank you in advance for your answers,


ps: I believe this income issue is against human rights btw.

When do the appeal, take note on why they denied you, so you add strong point or proof that! If you have new information for your application add into that ( any document that you think they can reverse on their decision).

when going back to your country after been denied and apply for visit visa, you might experience a big challenge on that, meaning they have less trust on you! that's why they always say you need to apply in your home country! Unless you have a different case/ your circumstances has changed!