What the rules are for getting a VLS-TS visa ?

Bonjour. I'm an American retiree with good but not great French, trying to get better. I living out a dream I've had for decades. For now, I'm here for six months (vls temporaire visa), but I'm thinking of coming back for more.

I moved to Bordeaux in September. I am enjoying my life here. Bordeaux is a great place to be, close to wine growing countryside, the Périgord, and the ocean. I just rented a car and spent the weekend in the Pyrenees.

A few of the good ideas I've had -- buying a bicycle, signing up for a french class at l'Alliance Francaise, getting a subscription to video sites to watch and hear French content. Some of the bad ideas I've had -- well, I won't get into that too much, but sometimes it's hard to get out there and interact when you are a basically shy person.

I do have a question. Does anyone know what the rules are for getting a VLS-TS visa once you have been in France for a while. All I can find out is that you have to apply through the consulate at your home country. So, I suppose I need to go back to USA to do this. Is there a period of time I have to be away from France before I can return, assuming I meet the other conditions for getting a VLS-TS? Where should I go to get advice on this?



Hello Kurt,

Welcome on board ! Thank you for sharing your lovely experience with us. Hope you will get to see more of Bordeaux.

On a side note,  I have edited the title of your thread for a better fit.

All the best,



Hi Kurt, I only wish I had the answer for you, but I do not as I have an Italian passport and don't need a visa. On the other hand, I am interested in visiting Bordeaux and would appreciate any tips you might have re: specific places to go, etc. I just moved to Montpellier, FR last June and love it there but would like to explore the surrounding areas and Bordeaux is on my list.

Thanks and sorry I can't help on the visa front. I have to apply for residency and that looks like another hurdle of bureaucracy!

You have to love France......


@bikepal  I really love Montpellier.  I stayed there a week or so last year.  Bordeaux is bigger, with a larger pedestrian downtown and a lot more people out and about.  There are always crowds in the sidewalk cafes.  The best thing about the city is the riverfront.  The miroir d'eau in front of the place de la bourse is a great attraction, although it has been drained for the winter.  I don't know when it fills up again.  The walking tour by the tourist office is informative and nice.  The base sous-marine and bassin de lumières are fun to visit, as well as the musée d'aquitaine.  Cathedrals, of course.  I haven't visited the cité du vin, but I hear it's worth going.  In general, the best thing about Bordeaux is just walking around and finding things.  Day trips from Bordeaux are great, too.  Arcachon, the gironde estuary, St. Emilion.  Farther afield to the east is Dordogne. 

Hope that helps.


If you came to France with a Visa then you can go to the Prefecture for Bordeaux and request a LT visa... I don't know abut the TS aspect.  You can also search the web for French admin. rules and procedures. Type in your question in English and the browser you use should take you to a French Ministry such as Immigration. Look for first page for choosing the site you are on to be in ENG.