Facilitation Visa Rejected for No Purpose of Stay


I applied for facilitation visa last week in Azerbaijan. I am from Azerbaijan and my spouse is German living in the Netherlands for +15 years. I added our marriage certificate (translated and apostilled), sponsor letter from him (showing his address and BSN number), his payslips, travel itinerary, cover letter stating that I'll apply for verification against EU law once I am in the Netherlands and promising I will not overstay my visa in case of any complications.

After 7 days I got refusal for the following reasons:

Justification for the purpose and conditions of the intended stay was not provided;

There are reasonable doubts as to your intention to leave the territory of the Member States before the visa expires.

I do not understand this. The purpose of the facilitation visa is obvious. And I heard it should be easy to get.

I still have another secured appointment at the visa center for next week. I can apply again. But what else can I do to not get refusal?

I think as always, the best answer is to ask THEM what the problem is.

Rightly or wrongly, there's a larger focus on people overstaying their visas these days. The Dutch government has been holding back approval on allowing even EU countries like Bulgaria into the Schengen zone, allowing open travel between countries.

I'm sure it very much depends on your situation and what your application said. I would assume if your reasoning was that you were entering NL to be with your spouse but have a non-traditional relationship (long distance relationship for a long time) or didn't provide a path toward EU citizenship/residency, they might have doubted that you would leave in a timely basis, regardless of your intentions. Is it possible to get German citizenship through your spouse? Best of luck in your efforts.

@3Josh My visa was processed in the French embassy. I called the Dutch embassy and they are working on it at the moment. I am not sure what they will do, but at least I hope I will know the reason of refusal.

Facilitation visa doesn't indicate anything about a type of relationship and it is mainly for applying to permanent residence permit, as I understood from IND website.

By citizenship I assume you mean residence permit; so no, I can't obtain German residence permit. My husband has been living in the Netherlands since his childhood with his family. For me to get German residence permit, he should move to Germany and I also have to learn German.

@arzubruhn will you kindly update on the outcome of your situation ? - as I'm in a similar position