c-rad USA


American expat in Costa Rica
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In November 2005 I arrived in Costa Rica. I changed direction to better answer the questions of my own satisfaction and happiness. There wasn´t a defining moment of change, just an awareness of not exploiting my potential to explore more and react less. Big company or small brought confidence but paid more for skill than passion. Taking a chance to find a better mix of both I lightened my load. With everything sold, given away or stored I started in the direction of outdoor interests with a raft guiding job in Colorado. The magic of the river and entertaining people made me think I´d go back until landing in Costa Rica. Instincts brought me to the Pacific beach staying in Samara for about a month until realizing a place with a kitchen was a must. A walk to the next beach Buena Vista brought Klaus and his hotel El Castillo into my future. For the next five years I explored my cooking passion with my own ideas serving guests of the hotel. In the end, pizza turned out to be my best product and I discovered the joy of baking bread. I didn't start this blog until 2008, but the articles, pictures and videos give a first hand look at selling it all and living on the beach in Costa Rica.

I joined expat.com on 19 June 2011.

  • Interests photography, reading, cooking, movies, surfing, piano, comedy, videography, frisbee
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I am currently living here
Costa Rica
Costa Rica