Request clarification regarding renewal of S pass

Hi all,

Sorry if I'm duplicating similar topic!

My S pass expiry is around July 2024 and I have more than 2 and 1/2 months for that. But my HR applied renewal during last week. When I check the status showing one valid S pass for current one and pending for renewal one.

I would like to know how long they will take usually to approve renewal? Will it take longer than usual because my employer applied too early? My first S pass application was approved within 2 days.

Thought to have an clear idea on this. If someone could help me to clarify I would be thankful. 1f60a.svg

It is better too early than too late.

You will get the result of the application in time before the current pass expires!

@beppi Thank you so much 😊

No, the reason why it takes longer time is most probably because of the backlog - there are too many SPass application at this moment. 2+ months is long enough and you will get the result of the application in time.

@Patrick Collison Thank you for the given clarification. Means a lot

@Mechgirl Hi all, just to update how my S pass renewal went and what were the issues I faced incase this would help anyone in this forum.

My pass is going to expire in July 2024. So, my HR applied renewal in April 2024.

Application was 3 weeks in pending status, and it got rejected. When HR checked with MOM, they mentioned salary haven't met the current criteria. Then my HR revised the salary and appeal in last week. Today morning got the approval. (3 working days)

I would like to request anyone going through this renewal process, please request your HR to apply the renewal earlier because incase pass rejected, you will have more time to check the reasons and settle it. (This advice I read in this forum under lot of similar topics. That advice only helped me to request my HR to apply renewal early to be the honest)

Also, SAT tool is not available for job seekers now a days (Please correct me if I am not wrong). Therefore, if you are applying renewal, please make sure below min salary requirement is satisfied.

Min salary = $3000 + (1500/22) * (Your age - 23) ~ Salary needs to be progressively increased with your age as per MOM. For new S pass applications please replace $3000 by $3150.

Sharing this because I thought it would help to someone here who is going through pending/ rejections.

Best of luck all. And thank you for this forum and expat team as well. Your guidance means a lot to us.

Thankyou very much for your update and information!

Min salary = $3000 + (1500/22) * (Your age - 23) ~ Salary needs to be progressively increased with your age as per MOM. For new S pass applications please replace $3000 by $3150.

Where did you get this information from?

MoM does not publish such internal criteria- and I was under the impression that this is because they want to be flexible about the exact amounts. But if the above is (maybe inadvertendly) from MoM itself, it is surely useful to alot of future job-seekers (and employers)!

@beppi Hi Beppi

First of all sorry I forgot to mention that I am from Construction sector.

Actually when my HR applied appeal they have explained this to me; why they are increasing my salary? and how they reach that salary range.

Afterwards I noticed in MOM website they mentioned as below:

“Min qualifying salary increases progressively with age from age 23, up to $4,650 at age 45 and above”

Later I checked my circle who applied for renewal after Sep 2023 and confirmed this. But i do believe this is only min requirement. Based on every individual's extra qualifications, high standard experIences might impact on final salary decision of MOM.

Thought this would help job seekers who doesn't have any idea on that salary range. (Actually even I wasnt aware before my rejection)

Please correct me if wrong. 😊