Refused Entry and how can i appeal.

Good day

My country is visa free with Singapore and i have been in Singapore twice my third time i was refused entry, without any reasons though asked but he kept saying he won't tell me. In my point of view the immigration was very racist,

How can i appeal to re-enter Singapore

What was the reason of visiting Singapore so often? You should understand to visit Singapore more than one time in a gap of few days or weeks or few months, you must have a proper reason, return ticket and accommodation details in Singapore. You just can't visit this country because your country is a member of ASEAN or any country with whom Singapore has free visa system.

If you failed to provide detailed information on your third visit, then immigration officer has every rights to deny your entry. Good luck

You should contact ICA, explain the situation, ask for the reason you were denied entry and how long you will be banned. Then give them a good explanation why you need to visit Singapore again sooner, and ask what you can do to get the ban lifted. Then follow what they say.

Hi! How can I reach ICA? I had a traumatic experience when I was in Singapore way back 2009, I was detained for a night together with other girls because I got caught working in a tourist visa. It was a nightmare. I was told that my boss is trying to apply for a visa while I started working for him. But then, I was still detained.  Was able to go back to Philippines after 2 days.
Now, I have kids and family of my own and we've been wanting to visit Singapore just for 3 days for but I'm afraid to enter SG with my family in fear of getting denied to enter. My passport back then was stamped with A. What does it mean? Kindly help me how to reach ICA so I can e-mail them my letter of intent to re enter Singapore with my kids. Thank you and God bless.

Working without permit is a very serious offense and you were likely to be banned for many years, if not forever.
You are right to contact ICA and enquire before going. Do NOT try without!
The contact details are on ICA's webpage.

Here you go:

Send to their appropriate email address. Good luck

Thank you so much, will definitely do it. Do you have idea what A on passport meant? It was way 2009 when that happened. Will I be allowed to enter again? Crossing my fingers.

You should ask ICA for all the clarification including confirmation about whether you can travel Singapore or not. Good luck

Just today i m refused to enter singapore. Cause could not produce return ticket to India. Now they advised me to apeal online. I m not able tk find where exectly i should proceed to start wirh.

You need to contact ICA (
And in future always bring a return ticket and proof of booked accommodation.

Hi Surya,

I have also the same case. I was refused to enter Sg last feb 2018 because of my frequent visits in the country year 2017. I have a sister working there and you know i have no plans of working in the country illegally. During my visit i'm trying my luck to look for a job but unfortunately i wasn't able to get one. Two months later i was refused ,we tried to make an appeal to ICA but it was rejected may be because it was too early for me to enter again. I respected their decision and know it's been a year already and i want to go back to singapore, i choose singapore because  i have relatives there. I want to go back in SG, but i am afraid to make an appeal again... please give me advice.

Most probably this will not have an influence on your student pass application (but you cannot be sure).
It was naive to think you can (ab-)use a visit visa to extend a residency visa that you do not even have yet.
If I were you, I‘d just wait for the student visa approval now.

Sweet8: Contacting ICA is the only way to find out beforehand whether you will be allowed to visit. Why don‘t you want to do that?

Beppi: thank you for your response. it is not that i dont want to try  to appeal again.  It just that  we cannot find any possible reason to clearly state the purpose of my visit again for the ICA to consider.  You think visiting my sister and her family plus just to a have a vacation is enough reason? Please advice. Thank you

Write the same to ICA and wait for their response. If they said yes then bring the email confirmation with you. If they said no, then avoid coming here. Good luck

Note: Bear in mind, even after carrying the letter confirmation, the immigration officer still has the rights to deny your entry. Though chances are slim but possibility is there.

Hi everyone !
I have a concern if any one could help me with this will be appreciated!
I was refused entry in feb2019 due to my return ticket issue ..
now recently I got a job and my spass approved even  I got IPA later after few days when my employer went to buy bonds .. it's found my ipa revoked ..
Wen I contacted mom they replied they will reconsider and if me or my local sponsor mail to ica for my entry and If it's successful then that letter which I get frm ica shud Submit to mom ..
But now my concern Wen I mail ica they sent dame reply to apply from local sponsor with form 39i or something .. But I don't hav anyone to apply fr me and my employer Said they can't apply ,.Still they vl reapply to mom once I get my entry letter ..

Anyone please help me how I could sort this. !!

The secoind reply you got is a standard text that they send to all such enquirers. It doesn't consider your specific situation.
Thus I would follow the instructions given in the first reply: First get ICA clearance, then send that to MoM for their reconsideration.
Good luck!

You can contact ICA by email and they will give you instructions.

Hi how was your appeal in ICA?may I know the result..

Hi all ,
After all I have put  appeal through my local sponsor, she have submitted all my documents all appeal letter with her ic ..
I wonder officer just asked her to go level 8 and submit in mail room or something ., after she submit officer informed it might take 5 to 7 weeks !!
They won't give any acknowledgement?? Just took I'm so confused how we can chase appeal .. ? Any idea ?

Micmicheal: The Singapore authorities are pretty thorough and reliable, so even without acknowledgement you can be sure to receive due process.
Also, you cannot and should not "chase" the matter at ICA.

Hi sir this maruthu from India , I read your valuable views on others questions regarding visit visa entry refused from Singapore airport,I have a same issue,I refused entry from Singapore on March through visit visa (only for tourist purposes genuinely not for illegal work ) immigration officer told me if u got a letter from ICA to entry we will consider ,but u have to go back and mail to ICA if they allow ,u can come back.they did not mention any remark on my passport,one of my friend told me if u want to get a visit visa from another country ,he advice me to change my passport,so I did a small address change and get a new passport,after I got a new passport I took visit visa from Dubai and Bangkok,I had successfully travelled both countries and come back to India,now iam trying to get a job from singapore.i need to clear my block and at the same time I have to explain  why I changed my passport.can u tell how to convince them and get a clearance letter from ICA ? I need your  suggestion on  my issue sir and can u  please send me exact email address ,which they will be reply quickly,thank u sir ,i hope you will  solve my issue@suryadas

Changing passport makes no difference in this matter.
Just email ICA, explain the situation and ask how the ban (if any) can be cleared.
Contact details are on their website.

thank u for Ur opinion ,Yeah I send the e-mail to,and I got a automated email ,it says within 3working days they will reply ,will it be a exact email address?is this correct way?

Yes, I think so.

You didn't tell us was it your first visit to Singapore? Did you obtain visit visa prior to your arrival in Singapore? Normally, a visitor who is traveling to Singapore for site seeing (though many of them have other motives in their plan), must have followings in place:
1. a return ticket not more than 29 days of difference between travel time and departure time (though less than 3 weeks is always considered as lesser suspicious at immigration officer's eyes).
2. a hotel booking or accommodation address with contact details (in case officer wants to verify)
3. a clear answer or an approachable response as and when officer asks questions regarding your visit plan. If you blabbering or not sure how to respond to the officer then it will leads to suspicious.
4. avoid frequent visit to Singapore unless you are visiting business purposes or official visit sent by your employer.
5. avoid visa run - coming here then stay few weeks after try to visit any neighbouring country for few days to a week then try again to sneak into Singapore

You can answer yourself where your case went wrong. Neither your new passport Nor your travel XYZ country would help to visit here, if you don't follow basic guidelines looked by Singapore immigration officer. Good luck

I got a mail from ICA vsc appeal and thidls is a message I got from them

Dear Sir,

Please refer to your email to ICA dated 26 Nov 19.

2              We wish to clarify that as with most countries, a visitor's entry into Singapore is neither a right nor automatic. Each application for a visit pass is assessed on its own merits. Visitors must fulfil our entry requirements before they can be considered for entry and those who have been assessed by the immigration officers at the checkpoints to be ineligible for a Visit Pass will be refused entry.

3              If you wish to visit Singapore subsequently, you are required to submit an application for a Visit Pass through a Local Sponsor in Singapore to the Visitor Services Centre, 4th Storey, ICA Building, 10 Kallang Road, Singapore (208718) for our consideration. The relevant application forms (Form 14 and Sponsorship Letter V39I) are attached in this email for reference and use. You are required to state clearly the reason(s) or purpose for entry, the duration of visit and also declare any antecedents on the application forms. You may also include any other supporting documents deemed relevant to substantiate the purpose of visit in addition to the stipulated application forms and the following documents:

                             a)         Photocopies of your passport pages showing the bio-data page and signature of the passport holder; and

                             b)         Local sponsor's Singapore NRIC.

                             Note: Local sponsor could be an individual Singapore Citizen/PR aged 21 years of age and above or a Singapore-registered company.


4          Upon receipt of the application forms and the supporting documents, we will process the application accordingly and will notify the Local Sponsor of the outcome by post subsequently.

Thank you.

And they attached two form 14form and 39IA form

Maruthuuk: Now you have the answer.
Follow their advice and apply for a visit pass through a local sponsor before your next visit.

Thank you brother ,so I don't have any block over there right?is this letter ICA asked for? if i get a s pass can I go for it?or either do I have to travel to Singapore as a visitor ?

Did you ask them that specific question?
There have been cases where a visit pass was required in Addition to the IPA, others not. So we can‘t tell what applies in your case.

I am only asking for a tourist visa re entry not for a job,pls read  the message I sent to them

Hi madam/sir
                    This is maruthupandian
Mohan from old passport number is (S9969838).when I came to Singapore as a tourist(visitor visa)on March 2019 I refused to entry into Singapore and that was my first time entering into singapore.when I asked to to the immigration officer why i am not allowing to enter into Singapore ,he said he is not satisfied with my answer , then I asked him what is the solution to come again as a tourister on visit visa?he said you have to go back to your country ,from there you can contact ICA by using mail.if they allow  you to entry and get the letter from them we will consider. Now I want to visit Singapore again for tourist purposes,I don't know what I did wrong,so please clear  my issue  with Singapore checking authority.and why iam not allowing into Singapore?I kindly request you to give me a solution,and I will  need permission letter from ICA,please consider my request
And also when I refused from Singapore I had a old passport (S9969838),and I found a small address mistake in my old passport then applied for a new passport with address change,the new passport number is (T4606431).please find a attachment given below
I hope I will get a reply as soon as possible.thank you

Now I want to go as a worker can I apply for a spass because if they are allow me to as a visitor with proper requirements , so can i go for a work ? I think they are not banned me

My last reply applies exactly to your situation. In other words: Ask ICA!

Thank u brother

Thank u surya2k

Hi beppi ,
As u mentioned previously , ICA send acknowledgment for appeal letter aftr 3 weeks , and stated in letter that matter is receiving our attending , we inform the outcome in due course .

So now I'm little relieved that they might consider appeal and it's processing 😊😊😊

This is my question to mom regarding can I come as worker? Bebbi bro and Suriya bro you  guys know my history in March they refused me entry into Singapore as a visitor.but i want to go as worker so explain  my situation to ICA for how to clear my issue?

Now I got a reply from ICA  after a couple of days can u explain me what are they trying to say?

  If you wish to apply for a Work Pass from Ministry of Manpower (MOM), you are advised to first submit a Visit Pass application through a local sponsor to ICA for consideration. We wish to clarify that as with most countries, a visitor's entry into Singapore is neither a right nor automatic. Each application for a visit pass is assessed on its own merits. Visitors must fulfil our entry requirements before they can be considered for entry. If the Visit Pass application is subsequently approved, your prospective employer may then wish to apply for a Work Pass from MOM.


3              You are required to submit an application for a Visit Pass through a Local Sponsor in Singapore to the Visitor Services Centre, 4th Storey, ICA Building, 10 Kallang Road, Singapore (208718) for our consideration. The relevant application forms (Form 14 and Sponsorship Letter V39I) are attached in this email for reference and use. You are required to state clearly the reason(s) or purpose for entry, the duration of visit and also declare any antecedents on the application forms. You may also include any other supporting documents deemed relevant to substantiate the purpose of visit in addition to the stipulated application forms and the following documents:

                             a)         Photocopies of your passport pages showing the bio-data page and signature of the passport holder; and

                             b)         Local sponsor's Singapore NRIC.

                             Note: Local sponsor could be an individual Singapore Citizen/PR aged 21 years of age and above or a Singapore-registered company.

4          Upon receipt of the application forms and the supporting documents, we will process the application accordingly and will notify the Local Sponsor of the outcome by post subsequently.

It's something goes like this ! I have already Experienced this , once u refused entry depending to criteria (which only ICA knows) you cannot enter SG even with IPA ( pre approval for ur work permit / pass)  again they will deny ur entry or mom will revoke IPA after approval if found u got issues with ICA .
So better before applying For work inform ur agency or company that you  were refused entry once . so that while applying they will mention in application.
Also if u got any friend in Singapore ask them for sponsor you for visit so that u can make sure ur eligible to entry .. latr apply fr work !!


Thanks bro and also I have a one doubt
In case if I got a visit visa approval do I need to visit Singapore or just visa approval is enough to apply for a work visa I hope I will get a answer

So they r not asking us to apply a visa through local sponsor ,local sponsor have to appeal behalf of us,am I right?then only they give a letter for clearance