Help! Looking for an apartment/luxury Kost in Kelapa Gading Area!

Hi there,

My name's Ian, I'm 29 and British. I recently moved to Kelapa Gading for work (I'm new to Indonesia too!) and I am living in a small room in a kost. I really would like an apartment or a large room in a kost with my own bathroom. I am willing to pay upto 2m per month for a kost and a little more fro an apartment. I've been looking in Gading Nias and Mediterania. I'm looking to move before next sunday (18th December)!

Any suggestions would be welcome!


hello Ian, I sent u an info for kelapa gading apartment/flat.
welcome to jakarta :-)

Hai.. :)
I live in sunter, so near from kelapa gading.. Maybe if u need help, I can help u ~ just contact me at ^_^

Hi guys,

could you please post in the classifieds section ?



U can try WGP Or Menara.



i am from london ,pakistani but british national living in jakarta near klapa gading .wellcom mate...