Strahlend + which preposition?


I want to say "beaming with X" in German and am looking for the correct preposition. Can anyone help me, please?

I have seen that with "Glück", "Freude" and so forth, you can use "vor", but does this work with all nouns? (Which/which not, why/why not?) Let's say "Reinheit" oder "Schönheit". Could you for instance use "an" oder "von"?

Very glad for help!


There are (as usual in German) combined words, e.g. "freudestrahlend" and you can also say "strahlend vor Glück", but some other combinations, e.g. "strahlend vor Reichtum" might have a negative or ironic tinge (as Germans generally frown on visible riches).

Thanks for your answer! I take that to mean that "vor" is the preposition to use in this case.

Oh, that's what you meant (sorry, I misunderstood your question)!
Yes "vor" is always the word between "strahlend" and a noun (except in case of radioactivity or other radiation, which is called "strahlend von Uran").

hmmm...when confronted with that, I'd say I only ever heard it with 'vor' - maybe you could use beaming/strahlend as an adjective, seems more natural.

Beaming with joy = strahlend vor Glück,
- vor Gesundheit, vor Mut, vor Kampfeslust , vor Sauberkeit, vor Schonheit, vor Zuversicht , vor Weltlichkeit,vor Einsicht etc.
- Der Ofen strahlte vor Hitze
- Atomvertrag strahlt vor Lobbyismus

all this is always in connection with "Strahlt/en", and indicates an expressive personal emotion or attribute. Short answer is yes to nouns when used together with Strahlend, and in that context.

now when used without this expressive attribute the context also changes
-von Glück reden
- Keine Rede mehr von Sauberkeit

Looking beyond the standard expression, "Strahlend" is usually invoked differently :
strahlendste Momente in der Geschichte
Sie ist eine Strahlende Schönheit
Polonium ist stark strahlend
Breit strahlende Lampe

Vielen Dank, Johannes, für die ausführliche Antwort; sie war wirklich hilfreich.

Hi SebastianC - can you please keep the conversation in English so as everyone can understand :)

I think you got your answer here but this is not really a forum for such basic language questions. The best site for language translations beyond a dictionary is - which gives lots of examples in context.

vor Freude stahlen

Hi krautwuzler,

Welcome on board :)

Can you please keep it in English :)

Thank you
