The price of c-section in Sao Luiz

Hello every one, for those who had experience
I need to know the price of c-section in Sao luiz hospital. I sent them sooo many messages on facebook but they don't reply. And when I called them I talked to them in English and an angry woman answered in Portoguese which I don't understand. I have to know and make a decision since I'll come to Brazil very soon.
If you suggest any other good hospitals Please tell me.
Thank you so much in advance.

You should get someone who speaks both English and Portuguese to go with you to the neighborhood health clinic (posto de saúde) where you can get a free pre-natal checkup. While there you can ask for a recommendation of a private OB/GYN. If you haven't got private health insurance and cannot afford to pay for a private OB/GYN then request a referral from the doctor at the clinic to one that will be covered by SUS.

Regarding pricing, there are far too many factors involved to even estimate for you. The doctor will be able to give you a more accurate figure.

His/her estimate should cover the hospital charges, his/her fee, fees for additional staff involved, medical supplies and post-operative follow-ups.

Expat-blog Experts Team

Thank you so much Mr. James for this useful answer. I wanted to build a general idea about the approximate prices of this hospital.
I hope some of the moms who had their delivery in this hospital to tell me about their experience.

Well since expat women remaining in Brazil to have their babies is relatively rare all over Brazil, I doubt that you're going to find many of our members who have even had a C-Section in Maranhão, let alone São Luis Hospital. I doubt that you're going to get much in the way of responses here.

Also it's generally not the hospital that determines the price for C-Sections, unless they're done through SUS. The vast majority of them are performed by private OB/GYNs who just provide their services out ot the hospital, paying the hospital for the facilities and supplies used.

You're still going to stand a much better chance of getting the information you're looking for by talking to an OB/GYN directly, especially since the hospital staff don't understand you and don't seem to want to respond to you.

I got it , thank you so much.
I would have my baby here in my country with my family and I wish that I could :(
but I have to go with my husband, he must go in August and my delivery will be in November.

Well, the one good thing about having your baby born here is that it will automatically give you the right to apply for your permanent visas should you wish to do so. As parents of a Brazilian child you are guaranteed permanency in Brazil.

This sounds good and gives some hope :) thank you so much Mr.James. But of course I'm still very terrified of the idea that I'll face so many problems in a foreigner country which I don't know anything about especially regarding pregnancy and delivery.

Don't be so worried, things will go just fine I can assure you.

If there is one thing that Brazilian doctors are very good at it's doing C-Sections. They do more of them here than in any other country in the world. Doctors here don't do them because they're necessary, but rather they're convenient for them and the hospital staff. Nobody here wants to be called out in the middle of the night, not even for something so important as a new life coming into the world. Actually natural births are a rarity here. So you'll be in very good and experienced hands no matter who your doctor is or where the delivery takes place.

Adapting to life in, and living in Brazil certainly while not easy IS SURVIVABLE!!!  :lol:

You need a very healthy dose of PATIENCE because everything here is complicated (more than it should be) and takes so much longer. Nothing, especially rules, makes sense in this country so you shouldn't waste your time trying to figure them out in the first place. That's exactly why Brazilians have invented the "jeitinho brasileiro" (Brazilian way), it's to get around rules, improvise in situations where you don't have something you need, etc..

The hardest part of living in Brazil is learning the language. Portuguese while not easy isn't as difficult as one may think. See my posting LEARN OVER A THOUSAND PORTUGUESE WORDS IN A FEW MINUTES. I'm sure it will help you a lot in picking up the language.

Everything else will come in time, and you'll find yourself feeling right at home here and loving Brazil despite all of its problems. I know I do, and I've been here over 13 years now and couldn't be happier.

James       Expat-blog Experts Team

Hi guys , sorry for bothering you with this. I received an email yesterday from Sao Luis hospital tried to translate it via google translation to English or Arabic but it did not work at all , I dont know what the problem is.
Would any one read it and give me the main summary, does it contain anything about the price of the c-section? Thank you so much in advance.

This is the message:

Prezada Sra.
Conforme solicitação , segue as informações do "Plano Maternidade Rede Dor São Luiz Itaim" .

Sempre preocupado em garantir o melhor atendimento, o HMSL possui um Plano Maternidade para clientes que não possuem convênio médico ou que estejam em período de carência em seu plano de saúde.
Dessa forma, você poderá contar com toda a tecnologia de ponta, infra-estrutura para casos de alta complexidade e profissionais conceituados, como retaguarda para o parto, além de todo o carinho e cuidado com a mamãe e o bebê.
Após conhecer a maternidade, a paciente pode contratar o plano diretamente com nossas Assistentes de Relacionamento, no térreo da maternidade, as quais esclarecerão todas as dúvidas e apresentarão o contrato para assinatura.
Recomendamos que a melhor fase para contratação do plano e após a 16ª. Semana de gestação, quando a gravidez já esta estabelecida e os riscos de abortamento diminuem. A efetivação deve ocorrer até a 36ª. Semana e, é necessário um relatório médico (modelo no site do HSL) informando sobre a evolução da gravidez.
Nos casos de gestações de risco ou gravidez gemelar, cada caso será analisado criteriosamente entre os pais, o obstetra e a Coordenação Clínica da Maternidade.
- Curso preparatório para pais (módulo intensivo)
- Ultra-som obstétrico simples (ganhe 1 foto 4D)
- Pacote de vídeo Baby Movie Basic: filmagem do parto
- Desconto de 10% na sessão de Newborn no estúdio Kátia Rocha
- Desconto no estacionamento: para pacotes de 3 diárias (entrada e saída livres)
- Desconto de 10% para contratação de Coleta de Sangue do Cordão Umbilical, pela Cryopraxis
- Refeição para o acompanhante (3 diárias)
Retorno no ambulatório de icterícia
- Vacina contra o vírus da Hepatite B para o recém-nascido
- Disque Bebê
- Teste do Pezinho Ampliado (APAE)*
a) Fazem parte do Plano Maternidade HSL:
- 1 Consulta da admissão da maternidade
- 1 Cardiotocografia anteparto
- Sala de pré-parto
- Sala de parto ou LDR
- Recuperação pos anestésica
- Sala de reanimação do recém-nascido (quando necessário)
- Berçário central (admissional)
- Berçário setorial (andar)
- Fototerapia (1 diária)
- Equipamentos para anestesia (qualquer tipo)
- Honorários do Pediatra (incluindo o atendimento na sala de parto e 3 visitas médica no berçário normal)
- Materiais descartáveis e medicamentos (incluindo fraldas e absorventes)
- Oxigênio (até 2 horas)
- Serviços de enfermagem
- 3 diárias de apartamento standard (padrão), com acompanhante
- Exames de Tipagem sanguínea e fenotipagem, dosagem de bilirrubinas e VDRL
- Teste do Olhinho ou Reflexo Vermelho
- Teste da Orelhinha ou Triagem Auditiva Neonatal
- Teste do Pezinho Ampliado (rastreamento para 10 patologias)*

b) Não fazem parte do Plano:
- Honorários médicos do Obstetra e sua equipe (auxiliar, anestesista, instrumentador)
- Honorários médicos de especialistas
- Honorários médicos do Pediatra para internações em UTI Neonatal ou intensivista para UTI adulto
- Intercorrências maternas ou neonatais, com internação em UTI, semi-intensiva, ou procedimentos cirúrgicos
- 4ª. Diária materna ou do recém-nascido
- SADT (Serviços Auxiliares de Diagnósticos e Terapias)
O valor do Plano Maternidade é de R$ 8.200,00 (oito mil e duzentos reais) e poderá ser parcelado em ate 5 vezes, devendo estar quitado até a data do parto.
Formas de pagamento:
- Cheque
- Cartão de crédito (VISA, MASTERCARD....)
- Fazendo visita para conhecer à maternidade terá 5% à vista ou parcelado no cheque ou dinheiro, apresentando o voucher.

(*) os valores apresentados estão sujeitos a alterações sem aviso prévio
- RG e CPF do contratante; Relatório médico com informações sobre a gestação e data provável do parto; - RG da gestante;
Piso térreo da Maternidade(2ª. à 6ª. feira, das 9:00 às 19:00 hs)
Com as Assistentes de Relacionamento da Maternidade;Tel: 3040-9100
OBS: É necessário agendar horário para fechamento do contrato.

Dear Madam
As requested, following the information of the "Plan Motherhood Network of São Luiz Itaim".

Always concerned about ensuring the best care, the HMSL has a Maternity Plan for customers who do not have health insurance or who are in the grace period on your health plan.
This way, you can count on all the latest technology, infrastructure for cases of high complexity and respected professionals such as rear for childbirth, and all the love and care of the mother and the baby.
After meeting motherhood, the patient can get insurance directly with our Relationship assistants in maternity ground, which will clarify all doubts and present the contract for signature.
We recommend that the best time to plan the hiring and after the 16th. Week of pregnancy when the pregnancy is already established and the risk of miscarriage decreases. The execution should take place until the 36th. Week and a medical report is required (HSL model in the site) reporting on the outcome of pregnancy.
In the case of risk pregnancies or twin pregnancy, each case will be examined carefully between the parents, the obstetrician and the Coordination Maternity Clinic.
- Preparatory course for parents (intensive module)
- Simple obstetric ultrasound (4D get 1 photo)
- Baby Movie Basic Video package: Calving shooting
- 10% discount on Newborn session at Katia Rocha studio
- Discount on parking: daily for 3 packages (free entry and exit)
- 10% discount for hiring Blood Collection Cord, the Cryopraxis
- Meal for companion (3 daily)
Return jaundice clinic
- Vaccination against hepatitis B virus to the newborn
- Dial Baby
- Test the Expanded Guthrie (APAE) *
a) They are part of the Plan Maternity HSL:
- 1 maternity admission Query
- 1 Cardiotocography antepartum
- Antepartum room
- Delivery room or LDR
- Post anesthetic recovery
- Resuscitation room of the newborn (when necessary)
- Central Nursery (admission)
- Sectoral Nursery (floor)
- Phototherapy (1 night)
- Anesthesia equipment (any kind)
- Fees of Pediatrics (including care in the delivery room and three medical visits in the normal nursery)
- Disposables and medications (including diapers and sanitary napkins)
- Oxygen (up to 2 hours)
- Nursing services
- 3 nights in a standard room (standard), with accompanying
- Typing and phenotyping tests blood, bilirubin dosage and VDRL
- Little eyes Test or Red Reflection
- Online Hearing Test or Newborn Hearing Screening
- Test the Expanded Guthrie (screening for 10 diseases) *

b) Not included in the Plan:
- Medical fees of Obstetrician and his staff (auxiliary, anesthesiologist, scrub)
- Medical fees for experts
- Pediatrician's Medical fees for admissions to the NICU or intensive care for adult ICU
- Maternal and Neonatal Complications with ICU stay, semi-intensive, or surgical procedures
- 4th. Daily maternal or newborn
- SADT (Auxiliary Services Diagnostics and Therapies)
The value of the Maternity Plan is R $ 8,200.00 (eight thousand and two hundred reais) and can be subdivided up to 5 times and should be settled by the delivery date.
Payment methods:
- Cheque
- Credit card (VISA, MASTERCARD ....)
- Making visit to meet maternity will have 5% in cash or in installments on the check or money by presenting the voucher.

(*) The figures presented are subject to change without notice
- RG and CPF contractor; Medical report with information about the pregnancy and expected delivery date; - RG of the pregnant woman;
Ground floor Maternity (2nd. To 6th. Friday, from 9:00 am to 19:00 pm)
With Maternity Relationship assistants; Tel: 3040-9100
Note: You must schedule time for contract award.

Please note that if you are using a credit card from a country other than Brazil you will not be able to make the 5 installment payments noted in the letter they sent you. Only Brazilian credit cards permit this option. If you use a credit card from any other country the transaction will not be authorized for installments. If you have a sufficient credit limit then it would be authorized in a single payment transaction for the full amount.

Hope the foregoing translation and this information have helped you.

James     Expat-blog Experts Team

Thank you sooi much Mr.James thisis very helpful. Hope every expat who will have their baby in Brazil or planning to do so will find this topic and get benefits from it.
I'm so grateful to you for your help.

My pleasure SweetGirl1900. Here at Expat-blog, the DIFFICULT we do immediately, the IMPOSSIBLE takes us a few minutes!!!  :cool:


Wow! Actually I have no doubt :)
You are a very helpful and smart experts here And this is seriously the best place for all expats. You colored my life with all your useful and optimistic posts after that dull view that I had before   :thanks:

SweetGirl1900, I think you got the info you were looking for but just to say I had a c-section here in a small rural city and it cost about 700/800Reais.

I'm not sure if this is standard in all hospitals or just the one my son was born in but I had to go into theatre alone, they wouldn't allow my husband in due to the risk of infection. It's a very daunting experience (I don't have a lot of Portuguese) but my doctor and her team were lovely and reassured me throughout the whole experience. What was great was that we were assigned a room that we could all be together overnight-which we paid for-this isn't possible where I'm from (Ireland) so that was brilliant. If I can help you at all with any questions as your due date approaches, please message me.

Dear babblinginbrazil, thank you so much for sharing your ecperience. I think 800 R$ is very reasonable :) Would you please tell us where you had your c-section and who was your doctor?
And if you faced any problems through your experience, I wish you tell us about them.
Thanks again dear for your help  :cheers:

I know nothing about C-sections in Brazil, but I thought I'd say hi anyway because I am at least living in São Luis.  I am here with my Australian family including 3 kids.  Actually I try to avoid any visits to the hospital and so far I've managed to do so.  There are very few expats in São Luis, so the hospital would not be prepared to respond to your calls in English.  I do know a few doctors here, as parents of my children's classmates, and their English is very good.  So once you manage to receive an appointment with them, I'm sure you will be fine.

Do send me a private message if you would like any more information on living in São Luis.

Just read your other posts.  Maybe you will not be in São Luis, Maranhão.  Maybe you are talking about a hospital called Sao Luiz?

Okay, I just realised that I totally misled you on that price. Sorry, I had a second procedure done that day which cost 700/800 Reais. The C-section itself, my husband tells me, was about 2,800 Reais. Apologies for that error. I was private as I mentioned. I live in the state of Goias in a small city. Where is Sao Luiz?

On a practical note, be warned that a section is not a walk in the park, It's proper surgery and you will be sore afterwards. They are quicker about getting you moving around than in Irish hospitals, the day after the section I was up walking! I would suggest to you if you can get your hands on Arnica tablets, they are said to speed up healing. Certainly my doctor said she had never seen anyone heal as fast as I did. I don't know about elsewhere in Brazil but I can't buy Arnica here, I had to get it sent from home. It is hard to lie back and rest when you have a newborn to look after but make sure you get as much rest as you can and take all offers of help!

Dontwalkonthegrass , thank you for your response. Actually yes I'm talking about a hospital which is located in Sao Paulo called Sao Luis hospital . I'll be in Sao Paulo God willing :) and asking about this hospital in order to know and get ready before coming to Brazil
thank you again  :cheers:

Thanx dear for all these clarifications and information. I don't know where sao luis hospital does locate, all I know that it is in Sao Paulo :/
I'll search for those tablets you mentioned here and relly hope to find them because speed healing is very important for me as I don't know any one there and must depend totally on myself and my husband. Thank you so much again I appreciate your help and valuable information  :cheers:

Por que você está vindo para o Brasil, se você não fala Português?
Why are you coming to Brasil if you do not speak Portuguese ?

cranezilla wrote:

Por que você está vindo para o Brasil, se você não fala Português?
Why are you coming to Brasil if you do not speak Portuguese ?

Thank you for your input, even though it is slightly  :offtopic: . This thread is about C-secitons in Brazil.

You'd be surprised exactly how many people come to Brazil each year that don't speak Portuguese! While I personally wouldn't recommend it, there is absolutely nothing in Decreto/Lei 6.815 Estatuto de Estrangeiro that requires it, except in the event one wishes to naturalize as a Brazilian citizen.

James     Expat-blog Experts Team