How to make friends in Montevideo

We have been talking about loneliness when you are abroad, let's now talk about how to make friends (locals or expatriates) when you're living in Montevideo :top:

Which are your best tips to meet people and to make friends in Montevideo??

Thanks in advance for your participation

hi im a from phils and soon land to uruguay ..i also want to know how to mke friends there  as i dont want to get homesick there.msg me

Hi, Loner18:  I see it's just you and me interested in this discussion. I've been told repeatedly that as far as  Uruguayans, they already have their friends and family, and they don't need or want any new ones. I finally speak pretty decent Spanish but it doesn't seem to matter.  Most people who come here from elsewhere are couples, and I do a little socializing with them but it often seems that the wives are a little uncomfortable with single women such as me around their husbands.  Women ex pats do come here alone, it seems, much more so than the men do.  Finally, I have found a couple of Canadian women who I can relate to, but they are probably my first real friends since I got here, other than a brief dating experience with an ex pat man who I'm still kind of friends with.

Hi gringagirl, I am an expatriate from Venezuela and IŽve been living here for almost 2 years and I can tell you that youŽre right on your opinion that uruguayan people donŽt need or want any new friends,I am used to a country where the people is much more friendly, and it makes me fell more home sick, forgive my english but my spanish is a lot better, bye

Thanks for agreeing with me, Victor Traveler. That's always nice.  There is a Montevideo meeting for ex pats every Sunday at noon at the restaurant, De Picos Pardos, at Pablo de Maria 1353 esq. Rodo.  Uruguayos and others who mainly speak Spanish are also welcome to come.  Let me know if you plan to attend and I'll make an effort to go.  Gringagirl

Everyone in Uruguay either seems to know, or is somehow related to someone else.  I don't live there but have been told that without a parilla (bbq) to invite neighbors to, you will have no friends.  Everything is centered around meals and family.  No family, no way to entertain, good luck.

I make friends easily and I don't have a bbq. What I've found is that people here are friendly and when you visit with someone listen to them, go see them, invite them to come see you. Learn the do's and don'ts of this society (typical North American hand signals that are rude down here, not learning to like and partake of mate, not learning basic Spanish greetings and phrases, not being accepting or comfortable with the kiss greeting, not accepting that they don't care what your life was like in the US, now you are here so never make comparisons, try and not bad mouth North American politics and esp. not Uruguay politics or policies or the way Uruguayans view "time", etc.). Living here is an adjustment and you do go through the stages of honeymoon, loneliness, acceptance, etc. But it is all worth it for me and for many other expats.

Victor,como estas,soy de Maracaibo y estoy planificando seriamente irme con mi familia a Montevideo,ya he revisado y me he informado de todos los procedimientos para emigrar y es bastante sencillo,como te va,como es la gente y el ambiente y como fue el proceso para instalar tu empresa.Mi hermano y yo queremos instalar una empresa de revestimientos ecológicos con una tecnología propia y una fabrica de productos para limpieza como jabon,desinfectantes, etc. Me puedes dar tu opinión?

Hola, bienvenido por acá , el proceso para instalar una empresa es bien sencillo, lo primero que tienes que ubicar es un buen Estudio contable, Ellos pueden comprar para Ti una Compañía por más o menos US 3.000- 4.000, eso es más rápido y barato que hacerla desde cero, si necesitas ayuda en ese tema y están firmemente decididos a invertir por acá te puedo dar más detalles, en cuanto a los revestimientos ecológicos no te puedo decir nada porque no conozco del tema, pero lo de los productos de limpieza me parece bueno, inclusive en un momento pensé en hacerlo Yo, los productos disponibles de limpieza no sin de muy buena calidad y la gente mira mucho el factor Precio, además están los hospitales , empresas , etc. Hacer negocios aquí es más difícil que en Venezuela por varias razones: El mercado es más pequeño, los hábitos de compra son diferentes, la mano de obra es costosa ( sueldo mínimo 450 US ), el país es caro, pero por otra parte si logras establecerte tendrás un negocio estable y una mejor calidad de vida, estoy a tu orden, mi Twitter es @victortraveler, Sds

Dear members,

As this is the anglophone forum could you please post in English?


Hi Guys
Any expat meetings still going on in Montevideo ? I am putting up in Positos & interested in joining one.
Hey it could be fun.  :)
Pls lemme know.

Is there any expat meeting still going on?

Hi all:
I posted my questions on how to make friends and ON HOW to relocate, looking for any practical advise. So far, nothing in response. I also tried that restaurant where the expats meet, I was there twice while on my visit to Montevideo in 2011, and the waiter told me that they changed their meeting place and he did not know to where. I still hope to hear from expats in Uruguay. I am a single woman and I totally agree with others that it is more difficult than for a family or a couple... Of course, Uruguayans already have their friends, so I am hoping to hook up with those who are NEW to the country. Anybody? Any answers? :-))

Look on the Total Uruguay website for the details on the different get togethers on the Expat Meetings tab.

There is also another group that have events.  Ask Marita to put you on the mailing list.

Expat social event:
Wed 28 Jan 20:00 - 23:30
Brickell Irish Pub
Juan Manuel Blanes 1175 & Constituyente, Parque Rodó,
Montevideo, Uruguay

$300 pesos cover

thank you very much, will try to contact marita via e-mail. gracias :-))

I will like to have friends in urugua

Hello Snikky7,

Welcome to :)

It would be great to have a little introduction about yourself so that the other members can get to know you. And besides, it is always a good way to start to be friends with others. ;)

Shaazia Team

hi every one.
I am male 42 years , living and working in Brunei and going to USA and uruguay in May 2015 for 6 week,
I am traveling solo and need friends advise regarding Expat meeting social gathering and reasonable accomodation.
any one advise highly appreciated.

Hi Sal...Since you evidently missed Morrell's helpful post above, I will send you a PM.


Thank you for reply and it is highly appreciated.
keep in touch .In May i will come to Uruguay.

salaziz wrote:

Thank you for reply....In May I will come to Uruguay.

On your way from the airport in Buenos Aires to Montevideo, Sal, consider stopping off in Colonia del Sacramento, Uruguay.  The "Buquebus" boat service can get you there in 45 minutes (plus "documentos" time).

Colonia is a former fortress town built by the Portuguese, and is number-one on my can't-miss list for my next visit to Uruguay.

If you visit YouTube, you'll see this tranquil, clean-air, tree-lined pueblo.

It has resorts, a casino, a waterfront, and a well-preserved historical area with cobblestone streets.

It's a highly popular retreat for Argentina's big-city residents.  But, as mentioned earlier, May is not high-season, so you can find good rates at the Colonia "posadas."

cccmedia in Ecuador

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